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Topic: guitar fret noise (Read 2409 times) previous topic - next topic

guitar fret noise

Have you ever listened to an acoustic guitar solo and heard a sounds like fingers sliding up the strings before the next note was played? If so, that is what I am trying to produce in a piece Im writing. I'd like to have this noise played right before I play my next chord, cause I intentionaly play this sounds when I perform the peice live. I have tried a few ways to reproduce it. Ive tried adding the patch for the sound for the first note of my next chord, and then changing the patch back to the original. This does not sound the way I'd like it too. Please give me a few idea's.

Thank you
Drake Kay

Re: guitar fret noise

Reply #1
Put the fret noises in a separate staff (you'll probably want to make this a "hidden" staff). It's fiddly, but well worth the effort. (Same goes for the chiff noises on flutes, etc.) You can then set the timing exactly the way you want it, without having to do patch changes on the fly.

Also note that the character of the noise changes with the pitch selected; higher pitches give the effect of sliding faster.

Re: guitar fret noise

Reply #2
I use a SoundBlaster Live! soundcard, and it the sound patches available there is an actual patch for guitar fret noise which, when random pitches are selected, provides a convincing finger-sliding-on-the-fretboard kind of sound. Don't know how useful this will be to you, but it definitely helps make my acoustic stuff sound far more realistic than it ever had before. Again, the key is to not use the same pitch for every slide, as that sounds just as artificial as not adding them at all.

Re: guitar fret noise

Reply #3
heh.. well i was here with a question but this form answered it thanks... -gs