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Topic: Missing icons (Read 4659 times) previous topic - next topic

Missing icons

In the main page of the forum, the icons on the left now are replaced by a "fi".
What's happened?

Re: Missing icons

Reply #1
Hey Flurmy,
if you're talking about the beamed quaver pair, they're fine for me.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Missing icons

Reply #2
Yes, right that.
And the problem is present only on my computer with XP.
That's odd. I didn't change anything... or so I think.
Even emptying the cache the problem doesn't go away.
I must investigate...

Thanks, Lawrie.

Re: Missing icons

Reply #3
Got it.
The browser was forced to use only the arial font instead of the one specified by the web page.