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Topic: What is 2 Ped. (Read 7540 times) previous topic - next topic

What is 2 Ped.

I am transcribing a work by a French composer and the bass staff of the piano starts with 2 Ped. Besides Pedal Down, and Pedal Release, what else needs to be done?

Also, what is a good midi channel for a muted violin? I've been listening to patchtest.nwc (from and 64 is the only one that sounds close.

Since 1998

Re: What is 2 Ped.

Reply #1
I am transcribing a work by a French composer and the bass staff of the piano starts with 2 Ped. Besides Pedal Down, and Pedal Release, what else needs to be done?
The second pedal is the "una corda" and the thing is not part of the General Midi patches.
The most that can be done is to let the piano play softer.

Also, what is a good midi channel for a muted violin?
Midi channel? Any, except 10!
Here you mean Midi patch.

64 is the only one that sounds close.
SynthBrass for a muted violin? Unexpected.
Be aware that things can sound quite differently with a different soundfont (or midi instrument).

Re: What is 2 Ped.

Reply #2
Hi Warren,
while I have no idea what "2 ped" means, Google seems to be our friend.
Try here.

both pedals
In composers like Debussy & Ravel, "2 Ped" is an abbreviation for "les deux pédales" or in English, "both pedals" - meaning to depress both the sustain and una corda pedals. As above, the pianos they used typically did not have the middle or sostenuto pedal, so "both pedals" were all the pedals there were to use.

As for "Muted Violin" I assume you mean patch, not channel...   ;)
This is going to depend on your synth/soundfont.
However, patch 64 is supposed to be Soprano Sax, which doesn't really seem consistent with a muted violin to me...
In the soundfont I'm using* patch 40, the violin, has some edge to it so even with the channel volume down it doesn't really sound muted, just quiet.  However, patch 41 (viola) and 42 (cello) are both progressively more mellow so a low volume setting with one of these patches might help.

It's also possible you can find a synth or soundfont or perhaps a VST instrument that implements a proper muted violin.

* My preferred soundfont is the "merlin_audigy(v1.14).sf2", but I've modified it as the one I found online had a percussive flute...  I managed to bumble my way through fixing it with the Vienna soundfont editor lo, these many moons ago.  :D

<edit> it appears Flurmy posted while I was typing stuff...</edit>
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: What is 2 Ped.

Reply #3
However, patch 64 is supposed to be Soprano Sax, which doesn't really seem consistent with a muted violin to me...
Argggh. The usual conundrum.
Is the first patch patch 0 or patch 1?
If zero-based (computer style) then 64 is SynthBrass 2, else (human style) it's Soprano Sax.
(Please note that NWC sometimes uses the former, sometimes the latter. Aaaaarg!)
Anyway, in both cases, as Lawrie said, it doesn't really seem consistent with a muted violin!

Re: What is 2 Ped.

Reply #4
Finally settled on a cello for the muted violin. I'm not doing anything special for the 2 Ped.
Thanks for the input!
Since 1998

Re: What is 2 Ped.

Reply #5
What an ass!  :-[
The MIDI standard has a specific switch controller for the "una corda" pedal, exactly like the sustain pedal.
It is called "soft" and NWC can control it via MIDIcontroller.fl, a plugin by yours truly.  :o
When I say my memory is bad...  :(