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Topic: NWC bug (Read 2534 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC bug

Working on the glissando plugin with the help of Mike, I discovered a bug in NWC that's visible also to non-programmers.
The API functions doesn't take care of an accidental "inherited" via  a tie from a previous measure.
For the common user this is apparent, as far as I can tell, only if you try to use the courtesy accidentals like here:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Not such a big trouble, luckily.
But, as programmer, I had to reinvent the wheel performing a lot of the parsing NWC already does normally...  :(

Re: NWC bug

Reply #1
Not sure why this should be a bug: A b-flat is different from a b-natural, so they cannot be tied. What do I overlook?

But there is an obvious bug in NWC, to be seen here:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
These two should not be tied.


Re: NWC bug

Reply #2
It's a bug because the courtesy accidental is automatically inserted this way by NWC!

Re: NWC bug

Reply #3
To be more specific, let's start with:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Then right click on the last (the tie receiver) note and select "coutesy accidental".
Voilà... wrong.

Re: NWC bug

Reply #4
My 2.75a.2 is "even wronger" - when I do what you say I get a completely impossible thing  :o  :P  :'( - see the attached images!!
But after saving and reloading it's actually as you show it.
Ok - a bug, or maybe two :)
