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Topic: Song info on all pages? (Read 1407 times) previous topic - next topic

Song info on all pages?

I got a request from a client for whom I've arranged a song for choir. Is there a way to put the song info (especially the copyright info) on ALL pages, if there are more than one page? Thanks!

Re: Song info on all pages?

Reply #1
Hi Marianne,
have you looked into user objects?

Specifically, NWC have provided 2 objects that work together that I use to do almost what you are asking.  The difference is I'm not interested in replicating the copyright information across multiple pages, but song and instrument names.

The objects are:

PageTxtMaestro.nw is required to activate the feature and
PageTxt.nw is needed for each occurrence of a text object.

Using a PageTxt.nw object configured as a PageNumber style with the following text:
%Title% - in %Comment,Key% %Comment,Ver% - %StaffLabel% - Page %PageNum,1%%Comment,TotalPages%

Gives me a text entry that appears at the top right of every page that contains the:
Title of the song,
The key of the song (taken from an entry in the comments section of "File Info")
The version of the song (again taken from an entry in the comments section of "File Info")
The staff label
The page number (remember to turn off page numbering in page setup) followed by the comments entry labelled TotalPages

An example comments section is (not all entries are used in every song I do, but they exist in the template):
Key: Am
Ver: - V1
TotalPages: /1
TotalPianoPages: /?
TotalConductorPages: /?

Inbuilt PageText.nw variables are:
%PageNum,1%  places the page number, specifying a starting number.  A 1 after the comma starts at page 1, a 17 would make the first page number 17.
%% allows you to place a % sign in the text and %br% causes a line break in your text

Default page styles are:

My usual templates also include 2 I've created called Subtitle and Subtitle2.  These can be created by using the <new> and <once>
options in the defaults.

Anytime you are placing an object that replicates automatic text like page number, you normally must disable it in |File|Page Setup...|Options (tab).

For copyright info to be replicated simply place a "Copyright" style PageTxt.nw object.  You may need to experiment with the "Page Display Control" parameter.  You may also need to place it in a staff at a point that appears after the first page to avoid the default copyright info on the title page.

Attached are 2 examples.  The first is a short version of my standard jazz ensemble template, and the other is an example of using subtitles that I prepared for someone else on the forum.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.