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Topic: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke (Read 8599 times) previous topic - next topic

Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke


I exported my nwc file to midi, and when I play it, some of the lyrics, especially the beginning word in reference is not shown. Did I missing something?

You can see here in the link, the lyrics that is missing.

Thank you,


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #1
I think this "lost first word" has been there "since always". I do not know whether it is a bug or a feature of all karaoke players, or of this karaoke player.
For a possible workaround, see item 1. in this recent posting of mine.


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #2
Thank you Richard, I will try to learn it, by just adding the whole rest, yes will show the first word, but for the refrain one when there are some words in the refrain part that soprano says "when the roll".(not shown in the karaoke midi) ..and Tenor replied when the roll is shown....

Can your suggestion work for such a prolblem?.

Thank you


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #3
Not showing the first word was deliberate by the VanBasco authors. They found that many MIDI authors put copyright information in the first word, so they just skip it. Frank, I think we'd need to see your NWC file to figure out why additional lyrics are not showing.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #4
Frank, I think we'd need to see your NWC file to figure out why additional lyrics are not showing.
OK Francis, I will attach here the file. As to first word in the verse I know how to make it appear, just put the whole rest.
In the page setup I put show only soprano having in mind so that midi will not get confused when I expert it. I appareciate if you have any suggestion how to make all words that was sung by soprano will show up.
Thank you

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #5
Frank, I think we'd need to see your NWC file to figure out why additional lyrics are not showing.
OK Francis, I will attach here the file. As to first word in the verse I know how to make it appear, just put the whole rest.
In the page setup I put show only soprano having in mind so that midi will not get confused when I expert it. I appareciate if you have any suggestion how to make all words that was sung by soprano will show up.
Thank you

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #6
I think we'd need to see your NWC file to figure out why additional lyrics are not showing.
Hi Francis, You have any idea how to make all words showing in midi?, I have attached my nwc file.

Thank you,

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #7
Sorry for the very late reply. I exported your file to VanBasco and I don't see any problems. All words (except the first one) appear as expected.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #8
All words (except the first one) appear as expected.
Thank you Francis for your answer, what I meant disappeared is in the refrain, when soprano sing " when the roll", it is not shown, but the one the baritone and  tenor and bas " when the roll"  it is shown.
Yours all are shown?

Thank you,


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #9
I used to often experience problems like that.
Generally this happens to all *.nwc files where the first word of the lyrics starts on the first note of the first bar.
How to fix it:
Before you export a *.nwc file to *.mid, add at least one measure or one bar (such as containing the intro sound or just the metronome beat sound) before the notation bar where the first word of the lyrics begins.

In my experience, things like this are just Van Basco's nature. When the same file is played in MIDI Clef (Android), there is no problem.
So, if you don't want any changes to your file, just play it in the MIDI Clef application (Android)

rtm sibuea

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #10
All words (except the first one) appear as expected.
Thank you Francis for your answer, what I meant disappeared is in the refrain, when soprano sing " when the roll", it is not shown, but the one the baritone and  tenor and bas " when the roll"  it is shown.
Yours all are shown?

Thank you,


The file you uploaded only appears to contain the soprano lyrics and as far as I can tell, they are all shown. Is there perhaps a different version that doesn't work?
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #11
Is there perhaps a different version that doesn't work?
Hi Francis, I attached here the copy of my revised file in order to show the first word by putting the whole rest in the beginning, but the problem in the refrain, is still presist that the soprano saying "when the roll" is not higlighting. I expect that as soprano saying "when the roll" is should be highlighting, thens when the tenor answer "when the roll " it should be highlihting too consistent with the notes of tenor and bass.

Do you have any idea how to make it shown on the karaoke text?
Thank you.


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #12
I see what you're saying now. vanBasco must only be capable of reading one lyric line. I think you'd have to put all of the text on one staff to make it work.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #13
This is not really related with vanbasco's karaoke player, but may provide an easy alternative.


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #14

I do not understand Bart because it is in German?, I remember 50 years ago when we learned German 50 years ago in Indonesia. But now I forgot at all, only Gutten Morgen, I rememberred.. lol.. and now we live in California.
So how can we make it work  in Vanbsco or can I have your Coria program?


Re: Part of the lyrics not shown on the Vabasco's Karaoke

Reply #15
No, it's not German, it's Dutch.
If you look at the upper right corner of the window you have a language selector with "Nederlands" and "English".

Welterusten   ;)