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Topic: flip a tie upside down (Read 3787 times) previous topic - next topic

flip a tie upside down

Is there an easyway (like note stems) to flip a tie that's hanging down to arching up?  i need to write something underneath after printing....

Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #1
The option is in the note properties.
I usually select the first note in the slurred, or tied for that matter, section, press <Alt+Enter> then use the option to select direction.

If you want ALL slurs on the staff to go in the same direction just select the entire staff, <Alt+Enter>, Notes (tab) etc..

It is almost certain you will want to adjust the shape of the slur, you can do this to some extent by using "Markers":
Position the cursor where you want to move the slur end up or down, press <@>, make sure the Slur checkbox is ticked and press <Enter>.  Select the marker and adjust vertically to where you want it <Ctrl+Shifft+Up/Down Arrow>

NB if you have a slur that seem to swoop really high or really low, then adjusting an end point in the direction of the swoop is the only way to reduce the swoop.  Experiment, you'll see what I mean.

You can place markers anywhere along the slur, but the ones between the ends can only increase the curve from the default, they cannot flatten the curve, you can only do that from the ends.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #2
Thank you so much for this information.  Robyn

Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #3
You can place markers anywhere along the slur, but the ones between the ends can only increase the curve from the default, they cannot flatten the curve, you can only do that from the ends.
This is not true, AFAIK - markers can flatten slurs. Attached is an example where NWC typically creates a high-arching slur to avoid the flat signs; if you want to lower that slur (e.g. if it intersects lyrics on the staff above), you can force the slur to go through the accidentals by adding two low-lying markers at the two intermediate notes.


Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #4
This is not true, AFAIK - markers can flatten slurs. Attached is an example where NWC typically creates a high-arching slur to avoid the flat signs; if you want to lower that slur (e.g. if it intersects lyrics on the staff above), you can force the slur to go through the accidentals by adding two low-lying markers at the two intermediate notes.
That's interesting  H.M.  I've never been able to get it to work.
<wait 5>
OK, I just tried an experiment.  It only works if it's prior to a note with a flat.  Sharps and naturals don't seem to impact the slur in the same way as flats.
Also, it will only lower the curve to the level it would have been at if the flat wasn't there.  You cannot lower it any further.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #5
Hm - it does work in quite a lot of other situations - see attachments (I have never tried those cases before ...). But I have no "set of rules" on what it really does ...


Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #6
Interesting, I've never had any success the few times I tried that approach so I gave up, assuming it just wouldn't work - live and learn I guess  8)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: flip a tie upside down

Reply #7
I use it quite often, actually.

My last example (last 4 measures in Downslurring2) shows why one might think "it does not work (often, or always)":

- The slur in m.9 apparently is pushed up by the flat sign;
- but just putting a low marker before the flat, as in m.11, apparently "does nothing".
- The reason is the slur is also (almost) touching the second note, so the single marker in m.11 does not work - but also a single marker before the second note changes almost nothing in m.10.
- Only both markers together, as in m.12, move the slur visibly.

A visual hint showing why a slur looks as it does would be helpful  :P
