MIDI files 2023-06-23 09:28 AM Good morning,I'd like to point out a problem of mine that has nothing to do with the topics dealt with in the forum but for me it is important and... I know that you are very helpful and I am perfectly ignorant.My PC hasn't played MIDI files for a few weeks now. I usually use Windows Media Player. The MIDI file progresses but nothing is heard. I opened them with VLC media player and this message appeared:MIDI Synthesizer is not configured:A sound font (.SF2) file is required for MIDI synthesis.Install a soundfont and configure it from the VLC settings (Input / Encoders > Audio encoder > FluidSynth).Greetings to everyone.Lorenzo Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #1 – 2023-06-23 11:01 AM Your posting motivated me, after years and years, to install a soundfont for VLC. I use chorium.sf2 (can be found at many places on the internet, AFAIK), and installed it like that.- If VLC then plays your MIDIs audibly, all is well (more or less: You'd have to find out why WMP no longer makes sounds ...).- If VLC is also silent, it's the sound system that doesn't like you.Don't know whether this is of any (tiny) help ...H.M. Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #2 – 2023-06-23 12:56 PM I tried but to no avail, alas!Thanks anyway.Lorenzo Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #3 – 2023-06-23 01:08 PM It sounds like Windows has lost its default MIDI synth setting. There used to be a control panel applet (MIDI mapper) that allowed you to set the default MIDI synth, but that disappeared some versions ago.Sooo, with that in mind, CoolSoft have a MidiMapper replacement:https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/midimapperReckon this could help. Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #4 – 2023-06-23 03:30 PM I downloaded CoolSoft, installed it, problem solved! Thank you!!!Lorenzo Quote Selected 1 Likes
Re: MIDI files Reply #5 – 2023-08-18 12:54 PM I'm forced to resume this discussion because again the MIDI files in WMP are opened (not in VLC, where the above error message appears) but cannot be heard. If I want to listen to the MIDI files created with NWC (export...) I must first convert them to MP3. I don't want the problem to be precisely in the "export...".I loaded CoolSoftMIDImapper and VirtualMIDIShynth, downloaded from the link suggested by Lawrie. For me it is a very difficult subject!I repeat that in NWC I hear very well, other audio files (e.g. recordings of my harmonica playing) with GoldWave also very well.The problem is MIDI.Thanks for the help and pointers.LorenzoPS: here in northern Italy, 3 pm, very hot and muggy. Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #6 – 2023-08-19 06:54 AM Hi Lorenzo,did you run the MIDIMapper and try to assign a default MIDI device with it? Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #7 – 2023-08-19 02:58 PM Quote from: Lawrie Pardy – 2023-08-19 06:54 AM..... MIDIMapper and try to assign a default MIDI device with it?Here? Is this the way? Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #8 – 2023-08-19 03:15 PM Yep.If, for some strange reason, that one isn't working try the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. Quote Selected
Re: MIDI files Reply #9 – 2023-08-19 03:33 PM There is some strange reason!!!With Microsoft GS... it works. I confess that I am groping in the dark, blindly following your instructions.But in NWC ---> Tools ---> MIDI in the right window (Device used by play back) I have to leave only Microsoft GS... leaving CoolMIDI... and VirtualMIDI... in the left window (Available play device ), otherwise the NWC play becomes silent as well.Anyway thanks!Lorenzo Quote Selected