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Topic: the very inner key (Read 2506 times) previous topic - next topic

the very inner key

Hello Rich and everyone,
Anyone can explain to me what is the very inner keys in the attached picture?. like 2 sharp , D, what is Bm?

Thank you,


Re: the very inner key

Reply #1
Hi Frank, they are the "relative minor" keys of the major keys in the outer ring.

E.G. the major key of D has 2 sharps (F and C).  The relative minor of D is Bm (B minor) and it also has the same 2 sharps (F and C).

The scales of D major and B minor both have the exact same notes in them (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#); but the scales start on different notes.  D major starts on D (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#), and Bm starts on B (B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A).

You will notice that the relative minors are always named 3 semitones lower than their relative major:
Maj -> rel. min.
A -> Gbm or F#m
Ab -> Fm
B -> G#m
Bb -> Gm
C -> Am
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: the very inner key

Reply #2
Hi Frank, they are the "relative minor" keys of the major keys in the outer ring.

E.G. the major key of D has 2 sharps (F and C).  The relative minor of D is Bm (B minor) and it also has the same 2 sharps (F and C).

The scales of D major and B minor both have the exact same notes in them (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#); but the scales start on different notes.  D major starts on D (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#), and Bm starts on B (B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A).

You will notice that the relative minors are always named 3 semitones lower than their relative major:
Maj -> rel. min.
A -> Gbm or F#m
Ab -> Fm
B -> G#m
Bb -> Gm
C -> Am

I still do not understand Lawrie. First because I never take a school of music. In our practice, I can sing voice 1, 2, 3, or 4 (1st tenor, 2nd tenor, Baritone and Bass), just by nature/by feeling.

Like this I sing in Trio, I never learn the note of this song. so I just make it.

so I preciate if you could explain further, about it. So the use of  this is for determinging the starting pitch?

Thank you,


Re: the very inner key

Reply #3
I'm sorry Frank, but you need to learn more western music theory in order to understand this.

I'm unable to take the time to try to explain anything at the moment as I'm going away for a short time and I'm already late leaving.

As a starting point try to learn about:
Major scales,
minor scales, (this can get tricky with natural, harmonic and melodic scales all being subtly different - for now stick with natural minor)
How chords are constructed, particularly Major and minor triads and 7th chords
The difference between Major and minor chords and thirds.

I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding internet resources to help.

The image you used is of the "Circle of Fifths" (clockwise) or "Circle of Fourths" (anti-clockwise).  It is a quick reference tool to help understand relationships between keys, scales and chords (which are really all the same thing in the end).
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: the very inner key

Reply #4
Hi again Frank,
I've finally reached my destination, over 7 hours on the road - bit tired now...

The links below will help, but you will need to learn what they show - there may well be better/easier resources, these are just some I found after a very quick search.  They look OK.

I'm not sure how the number system you use relates, but I'm sure it does.  The basic sol-fa system relates directly to major:
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do = C D E F G A B C for a "C" major scale.

Try these links to help understand the theory behind how scales and chords work:
Major scale:

Minor scale(s):


I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: the very inner key

Reply #5
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do = C D E F G A B C for a "C" major scale.
Thank you Lawrie, yes we familar with the above, those are the note in number  that we sing when we learn to a song.
I will read and lear the website that you gave me.
Anyway when you said. over 7 hours on the road. Where did you go in Australia. Is it far from Adelaide?. The family of my daughters is in Adelaide. We went there when our 2nd grand daughter was born in 2018. I wish we could meet at least we call, when we go there someday.
If you have time you can visit my website, that I made myself by learning how to make website from Youtube. But my kids live in Indonesia, Australia and US now.
Thank you,

Re: the very inner key

Reply #6
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do = C D E F G A B C for a "C" major scale.
Thank you Lawrie, yes we familar with the above, those are the note in number  that we sing when we learn to a song.
I will read and lear the website that you gave me.
That's good, and I hope the links help.
Anyway when you said. over 7 hours on the road. Where did you go in Australia. Is it far from Adelaide?. The family of my daughters is in Adelaide. We went there when our 2nd grand daughter was born in 2018. I wish we could meet at least we call, when we go there someday.
From where I currently am it's about 1100km to Adelaide (maybe 12 to 12.5  hour drive depending on the route), and I just travelled around 450km (took so long because of traffic congestion and road repairs).

To give you some scale, it's about 4000km from Sydney to Perth (across Australia from East to West) - Adelaide is about 1400km from Sydney, so about a 1/3 of the way from Sydney to Perth.

For scale, New York to San Francisco is around 4600km.

NB these are all road distances, not direct.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.