how to make a song sheet 2023-04-09 07:01 PM Hello,When I filled in the text of each voice/staff, then I wanted to make a song sheet by layering 2nd staff to 1st staff and the 4th staff to 3rd staff, and I do not want to see duplicate lyrics, so I just want to keep lyrics of the first staff,he problem is how can I put the needed lyrics of the 3rd or 4th staff for certain section (see attached marked), so that we can really make it look like the song sheet.On other thing what is the best instrument that I can assign to 1st tenor, 2nd tenor, Baritone Bas, so that when the four of us listening, we can easily recognize how does it sound for our own voice. In Indonesia we have to translate the note into number, then we sing it like do, re me, pa, sol las si do. But here in the west, we just listen to the software.Thank you,Frank Quote Selected Last Edit: 2023-04-09 08:07 PM by FrankSit
Re: how to make a song sheet Reply #1 – 2023-04-10 04:46 PM As I usually use on my Website - www/ - I recommend French horn for Tenor1, Trombone for Tenor 2, Bassoon for Bass Baritone and Tuba for Bass . MusicJohn, 10/Apr/23 Quote Selected
Re: how to make a song sheet Reply #2 – 2023-04-15 12:55 AM Thank you John, I will try it.Frank Quote Selected