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Topic: MIDI to score (Read 3199 times) previous topic - next topic

MIDI to score

A friend of mine "recorded" a piece in MIDI but completely overlooked the MIDI tempo.
It sounds right, but importing it in NWC (or elsewere, for that matter) is a complete mess.
Anyone knows a trick to simplify at least a bit the insane work of rewriting it all by hand?

Re: MIDI to score

Reply #1
When you say elsewhere, I assume you tried a few different programs, including MuseScore? Maybe other programs you haven't tried know how to handle MIDI files without tempo information?

Can the file be opened in a MIDI editor? If it can, perhaps do that, update/add the tempo info, and resave the file. Then see if it can be imported.

As a separate issue, perhaps the next version of NWC can make a reasonable assumption about tempo if it encounters a MIDI file with no tempo information present.


Re: MIDI to score

Reply #2
Hey Flurmy,
I recall a VERY OLD php based user tool written by Gennaro Granito that IIRC appeared in the old newsgroup during the NWC2 beta program. 
It's called Consolidate and needs a php install to work.

OK, just checked, the User Tool Starter Kit apparently still includes the php interpreter, so I assume you have installed the starter kit ;)  and should be fine to try the user tool.  Only trouble is I can't find the tool here on the forum...

I'm also not sure if it would be much help.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: MIDI to score

Reply #3
Can the file be opened in a MIDI editor? If it can, perhaps do that, update/add the tempo info, and resave the file. Then see if it can be imported.
It seems that a passage through MidiNotateComposer with "save MIDI as quantized in the score" made the things much better.

Re: MIDI to score

Reply #4
Better, but far from comfortable...  :(