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Topic: lyrics of verses in a block after the score /  (Read 3300 times) previous topic - next topic

lyrics of verses in a block after the score /

Two questions about lyrics:
I want to create a song with lyrics of verse 1 under the notes. The other lyrics (verse 2 and more) after the score.
How do I achieve this?

When a word consist of more than one syllable AND this word is placed over two staves, the first part has a dash. The second part (at the next stave starts with a dash. I want to omit this second dash.
Regular the second dash is no problem, but when using, the second dash is printed before the verse number, which is not beautiful.

Best regards,

Re: lyrics of verses in a block after the score /

Reply #1
Not so easy but feasible.
Look at the attached examples.

Re: lyrics of verses in a block after the score /

Reply #2
Two questions about lyrics:
When a word consist of more than one syllable AND this word is placed over two staves, the first part has a dash. The second part (at the next stave starts with a dash. I want to omit this second dash.
Regular the second dash is no problem, but when using, the second dash is printed before the verse number, which is not beautiful.
You can suppress the second dash if you insert a hard return after the syllable where the staff breaks.  An example follows: