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Topic: Tenor & Bass Lysric (Read 1585 times) previous topic - next topic

Tenor & Bass Lysric


Can anybody help me how to make the part of the lyrics of bass and tenor, look like the attached?. I want to put all verses lyrics in each staff, Soparano, Alto Tenor and Bass, and when I layer it, I want it looks like the song sheets attached. But also I have a problem now, I do not know why I can not layer it.

Thank you


Re: Tenor & Bass Lysric

Reply #1
I don't work with lyrics, but:

You can create your four lines of lyrics in one staff using Lyric 1, Lyric 2, Lyric 3 and Lyric 4 tabs in the Lyrics menu.  This may cause problems if the words begin with note changes that differ in that part (i.e. trebles' words may not begin at the same beat as the bass lyrics.).

In that case create a separate lyric for each staff and place them below the treble staffs (Lyric 1, Lyric 2) or above the bass staffs ( Lyric 3,  Lyric 4).   I think you simply position them above or below the relevent staff using the Configuration tab in the Lyrics menu and maybe use the Offset settings to adjust their height.


Re: Tenor & Bass Lysric

Reply #2
[You can create your four lines of lyrics in one staff using Lyric 1, Lyric 2, Lyric 3 and Lyric 4 tabs in the Lyrics menu.  This may cause problems if the words begin with note changes that differ in that part (i.e. trebles' words may not begin at the same beat as the bass lyrics.).

Thank you David, that is what I did. and looks ok.
