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Topic: multi-measure rests in parts, movements. (Read 7146 times) previous topic - next topic

multi-measure rests in parts, movements.

Anyone know a way to collapse multiple-measure rests into standard single-measure notation (i.e., a thick horizontal line mid-staff with the number of measures rest indicated above) when printing parts? A lot of space is wasted, and it causes confusion at readings. Thanks! Also, is there any way to print measure numbers on parts in places other than the left side of each staff? Finally, I've written a sonata with two movements, but the only convenient way to do this is to keep the movements in separate files. The finished product looks a bit awkward. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks.

Re: multi-measure rests in parts, movements.

Reply #1
"Anyone know a way to collapse multiple-measure rests into standard single-measure notation"

Nope. About the best you can do is use a full measure rest surrounded by local repeat bars with the appropriate number of bars indicated. Unfortunately, you'll need to do this manually to switch from printing a full score to printing parts. One thing that may help here is to have a separate file containing just the 33 empty bars in both formats, and copying and pasting what is required. Alternately, keep them in a separate partition in the same file.

"Also, is there any way to print measure numbers on parts in places other than the left side of each staff?"

Nope. But you can use the funny section letter (the S with a line through it) followed by a letter (A,B,C) and label important sections directly onto the score. OR if you know you are not going to change the bar numbers (a BIG problem if using the previous suggestion for collapsing multi-measure rests), you could use plain text for the bar numbers and put them wherever you like.

"Finally, I've written a sonata with two movements, but the only convenient way to do this is to keep the movements in separate files. The finished product looks a bit awkward. Is there a better way to do this?"

Hmm. It depends on what you're really wanting for the final product. Most works will start new movements on a new page. In which case you just need to adapt the title a bit. NWC definitely needs more felxibility in this area. If you want to space out bars so that they fill a page, the only way to do it is by inserting text SPACES into the bars. This is very tedious, but can achieve some good results. Caveat emptor. Keep an original (unspaced) copy, as they are very hard to find once inserted.

Andrew Member, PC Users Groups, Canberra Users Helping Users

Re: multi-measure rests in parts, movements.

Reply #2
About funny bar numbering once you've got the huge repeats on an empty bar. You can alter the bar numbering to start from any number (>= 0) you wish.

This may help you over that sticky point.
