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Topic: Insertions resize (Read 2620 times) previous topic - next topic

Insertions resize

It is possible to resize the characters of the insertions of dynamics, performance styles, tempo variance etc.?
If they are entered as text, which can be easily resized, does it affect the playback?
Thank you and have a nice day (it's raining here!).

Re: Insertions resize

Reply #1
Hi Lorenzo -

no, you cannot change the sizes of these items. And if you enter them only as text, playback (and MIDI export) will not know about them.
But, instead, you can add them, then make them invisible*, and put texts near them, with manually adjusted
  • size
  • text adaption
  • even font (but typical font for all the items you mention is "Staff Italic")
See attached example.

* Steps with keyboard to make something invisible: Shift-Right or Shift -Left to highlight, Alt-Enter for Properties dialog, Ctrl-Tab (I use the small finger on the left-hand Ctrl key and the fourth finger to press Tab) twice, N to change "Show on printed" to "Never", Enter to close dialog.


Re: Insertions resize

Reply #2
Thanks HM. So in reality the sound is modified by the inserts while on the score you see the text, which cannot modify the sound. Good day. Lorenzo


Re: Insertions resize

Reply #3
So in reality the sound is modified by the inserts while on the score you see the text, which cannot modify the sound.

All the best - here in Bavaria, it doesn't rain (much), but it's cold! - brrrr ...

Re: Insertions resize

Reply #4
It is possible to resize the characters of the insertions of dynamics, performance styles, tempo variance etc.?
If they are entered as text, which can be easily resized, does it affect the playback?
Thank you and have a nice day (it's raining here!).

Actually, you CAN change the text size of these objects.  They are governed by the size of various settings in | Page Setup | Fonts (tab):

  • The Coda and Segno symbols, and the text size for Dynamics, are controlled in conjunction with "Staff Metrics" - change the metrics and the these change too.  Their relative sizes remain the same.
    Of course this may not suit your needs in which case place these objects as Visibility | Never and put visible text entries over them.
    This is the reason I made the Segno and Coda symbols extra large in the System font in my font suites.  The standard sized ones were far too small IMHO.
  • Other than dynamics, if a standard objects text appears as Bold Italic, the entry for "Staff Italic" controls it E.G. Performance Styles, tempo variances and flow control (including the associated text with flow control objects that contain Segno and Coda symbols)
  • If the text is simply bold then Staff Bold controls it (E.G. Tempo (MM)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Insertions resize

Reply #5
If there is ever a new version of NWC, perhaps the Scaling (%) box could be added to the Dynamics, Performance Style, Dynamic Variance and Flow Direction properties.

Re: Insertions resize

Reply #6
I would actually like to see this kind of property apply to an entire staff.  That way you can have the Vocal/Piano chart look that is so common.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.