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Topic: the fast way to key in (Read 2275 times) previous topic - next topic

the fast way to key in

Hello, I am working now to key in a song sheet for our choir by providing the chord for each voice and can be listened on my YouTube channel for each voice.
My question is : on the basis of SATB, what is the fast way to key into the staff for each voice. and my 2nd question is if we already keyed the object such as dynamic variance, flow direction in the Soprano staff, should we key them also in the Alto staff, the same is true for Tenor and Bass staff,  should we key them in each staff?, because later I will layer it Soprano with Alto, and Tenor with Bass.

Thank you.


Re: the fast way to key in

Reply #1
Hi Frank,
I expect several people will reply here as "the fastest way" will depend on an individuals work practices and approach.

<edit> For most SATB scores all the voices generally move as one, not always and not exactly, but near enough that copying one voice to the next can provide a quick and dirty starting point that can reduce the overall workload. </edit>

For myself I would create the first part, usually Sop.  I would add all the dynamics etc.  In fact I would do everything needed to create the complete part, right down to setting all stems up, slurs and ties are upward, adjusting system and page breaks and so on so that it is a complete, printable part.

THEN, I would copy this entire staff to the Alto part.  Don't forget the lyrics which will not copy with the rest of the staff, though I think there is a user tool that can help here.
  • As the Alto part is mostly a 3rd or 4th down I would select the entire staff and <Ctrl+Shift+DnArrow> a couple of times.
    This will get many of the notes in the right place.
  • Next I would go through the Alto part note by note and adjust each one that needs it to the right pitch.
  • Then adjust other parameters as required (accents that are different etc.)
  • Make sure stems are down, slurs and ties are down.
  • If dynamics will not be in the same places adjust as necessary, using a tool like Global_Mod can help a LOT here.  Note that <> cresc. decresc. markings are moved by dynamic vertical position
  • adjust anything else that needs changing.

Rinse and repeat for Tenor and Bass.  This will reduce the overall amount of work, but is still time consuming.

Remember, this is just the way I work, it may not be suitable for you at all.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: the fast way to key in

Reply #2
THEN, I would copy this entire staff to the Alto part.
Yes...I do the same way too, I just think with common sense that probably it is the fastest way.
Thank you very much. Anyway I love Australia. My daughter and son in law and their 2 kids live in Adelaide. We visited them in Aug 2018. In which city do you live..
Thank you.


Re: the fast way to key in

Reply #3
adjust anything else that needs changing.
I am trying now copy and paste from alto to Tenor and Bass staffs, but something makes me confused when doing adjustment. When I was on the Tenor staff it is in Measure no. 40, but when I go to Bass the same column becomes measure 39, What I did wrong, can you help me?

Thank you

Re: the fast way to key in

Reply #4
There's a missing barline somewhere before bar 39 in the bass part.  Perhaps you missed selecting it when doing the copy?

If you go to the start and move through checking bar numbers on both parts you'll soon see where the missing barline is.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: the fast way to key in

Reply #5
There's a missing barline somewhere before bar 39 in the bass part.  Perhaps you missed selecting it when doing the copy?

Thank you Lawrie, Yes I forgot to make 1 barline, I put 8 note, so it looks all paralel, but I missed 1 barline.

Again thank you very much.