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Topic: Publishing on the Net (Read 6313 times) previous topic - next topic

Publishing on the Net

I was wondering if there is anyone out there taht has placed their compositions on the net. I'm not quite sure as to how to go about it. I have a home page which I am ready to publish and have links to various folers on MY computer . Do I have to place these pages in my home home page and if so how.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #1
You have to upload your files to your remote server, after suitably creating directories to contain them. I'd suggest checking out the help facility of whatever web server you're using. They undoubtedly have an "Upload Wizard" or something to that effect. The idea is to duplicate your directory structure.. aka "folders" .. on the remote server computer.

You'll probably find the "easy" uploading facility slow and ponderous. Once you get the idea of how it all works, you'd be well off to get yourself an "ftp client" program that will let you upload directly, much like copying files between directories (by dragging and dropping) on your own home computer.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #2
First you can look at some examples. Start with then look for the web ring on that page. This will take you to a few dozen web sites for NWC users.

The big problem is that many sites do not permit the direct uploading of NWC files. It is necessary to ZIP them first. This is unfortunate, because it make it harder for visitors to access the files.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #3
Well, uploading .nwc files directly is highly dependant of your provider.
Nevertheless, some "free web space" providers authorize it. We already know that GeoCities doesn't, but FortuneCity DOES ! I just tested it (I have a site there since some months (created for NWC ring)) and it works well. No trouble uploading the file. But I had troubles downloading it (with NS3), since it's interpreted as text... I think I must change something in my preferences, but do not know what.
URL of FortuneCity is :
where you can create your own site freely. I have to say that they ask you to give full rights on what you publish there, though. That's why I won't place own copyrighted stuff on *that* place.
For francophone people, look rather at :-)

Try downloading an NWC file I put there :

I'm sure other free providers accept direct NWC upload, but I don't have too much time to test it now.

Hope this helps,

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #4
This helps me. Finally a web server that accepts NWC files!

For working on web pages, I highly recommend FTP Explorer, a freeware program available from (for example)
This provides an easy way to transfer files to and from the web server.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #5
Another good (and free) ftp client program is ws_ftp, available all over the place (, tucows, etc.)

Marsu - sorry, but the fortunecity link gets treated as text in Netscape (which defaults to unknown mime-types as text). It _might_ be worth a try to email them and ask them to associate the .nwc mime-type as "application/octet-stream". This worked with sympatico, Canada's nation-wide ISP, so it might work with fortunecity??

Another option: put a note on your page asking Netscape visitors to right-click on the link and select "Save As..." - that works as expected.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #6
The link worked perfectly for me with Internet Explorer 5.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #7 long as you use the lasted (1.55b) version of NWC!

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #8
Yes. Apparently, IE defaults unknown file mime-types to binary instead of text (incorrectly, it could be argued... but in this case it works to our advantage).

Be that as it may, there are still some of us who will put up with shortcomings in Netscrape in exercising a choice in one of the very few areas where we still _have_ a choice.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #9
In reply no. 2, Blair said <it is necessary to ZIP them first. This is unfortunate, because it make it harder for visitors to access the files.> Winzip, a trial version of which is freely available on the net - go to - will make a self extracting .exe file from the zipped folder. The recipient then does not need Winzip to unzip the files, and as far as I know most if not all servers accept .exe files. I registered Winzip - it's extremely useful for archiving, comressing some files to almost a tenth of their original size, and will span floppies if you need to transfer files larger than a single floppy can hold. HTH, Peter.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #10
Winzip self-extracting exe's: nice for some purposes, but ONLY works on M$ systems?

Let's not take the power of choice away from our users...

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #11
Yep, Stephen, but NWC only works on M$ systems .......

(Mac users, get your prayer mats out!!)

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #12
Well, NWC does work on MacIntosh... with an emulated PC in it. so .Exe can be used there (as I use Mac diskettes (not progs) on my PC).
Instead of having Winzip+explorer+W*FTP, I prefer to use WindowsCommander ( ) which does all what they do, in a single interface which is really powerful. IMHO of course, and maybe 'cause I'm used to that good old NortonCommander 2... though this graphic interface is much better. But having a direct access to commands and managing files into archives directly is _so_ cool :-)

NWCly yours

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #13
Even if I dont plan to publish on the net my .nwc files, by now, I have downloaded files from many sites. Ones had the files in .zip, others in .nwc. In those, one was read as text, which is a bit strange, but can be saved anyway, and no pro; But anyway its a mess. The only site where there is .nwc files as is, and downloaded with no troubles, is the NWC Scriptorium ( I must say I use Opera as browser, so its not just browser problem. It would be very useful if someone in the Scriptorium write some lines to this forum, as they handle it very well.

Re: Publishing on the Net

Reply #14
"The only site where there is .nwc files as is, and downloaded with no troubles, is the NWC Scriptorium ( "

..and please feel free to submit compositions to the Scriptorium. It's free, though you have to be happy with the format that we've decided upon. I even do the uploading for you!

However, I think you'll find that my homepage has NWC files as is and they should be readily clickable without reverting to being interpreted as text. Please try
