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Topic: 2022 starts (Read 1943 times) previous topic - next topic

2022 starts

It appears the new year has just started, at leas here in Oz it has ;)
Happy New Year folks.  I hope and pray it's a better one than last year!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: 2022 starts

Reply #1
I'm still ticked off that 2020 was such a terrible year. You have this great number like 2020, with all kinds of possibilities, and now it's ruined forever.

I too hope that 2022 is a better year than this past one has been.

Re: 2022 starts

Reply #3
I hope so.  But I think I'm turning have turned  into a pessimist. 

I wish all a happy new year . But not just the new year - the whole of 2022.


Re: 2022 starts

Reply #4
It takes little for the new year to be better than the year that is dying. But let's wish it all the same: happy 2022! Health and happiness!


Re: 2022 starts

Reply #5
As usual, I'm late to the party! Wishing you all a musical and safe 2022! My teaching/doctoral studies are starting up online again instead of in person, our gyms, restaurants, and schools are currently closed, I've just suspended congregational singing in my church, and ordered a case of N95 masks for's a rough start, but there is hopefully some light at the end of the tunnel for us all!