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Topic: creating "flat" files (Read 2373 times) previous topic - next topic

creating "flat" files

I am the creator of music powerpoint files in our church.
Due to a small home improvement of the wall where we want to show the presentations, I want to modify the current collection to a flat format.
When the improvement is completed I can make a new template with a format for the NWC files (which font, marges, colors, etc.)
What is the best way to save my files? I prefer to simple insert my files into the new template.

Kind regards,
Guido van Harten

Re: creating "flat" files

Reply #1
I think you'd probably start with a graphics file template consisting of your decorated borders with a big blank space in the middle for the music.  Make the template read-only so you don't alter it by mistake. 

Simply print your NWC music to a PDF file - any number of programmes do this with the Print command and redirecting the output to a PDF file instead of the printer.  If you have Windows 10, just set the PDF programme as your default printer.

Then copy the PDF image to your graphics template, and save the file with a new name.

You could instead get fancy and use an html file with fancy graphics as a background, and a frame for the notated music, then either project the html page onto your screen or take a screen shot and feed that through the projector, but it's more trouble than it's worth.


Re: creating "flat" files

Reply #2
If you could post a sample nwc file and the graphic file you would like to turn it into, someone might be able to find an easy way to get there.
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