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Topic: Repeat bars symbol in NWC2? (Read 2568 times) previous topic - next topic

Repeat bars symbol in NWC2?

Is there a "repeat previous bar(s)" symbol available in NWC2?
(You know, the thing that looks kind of like a backwards '%' sign)

I've done a search and found a reference to NWC article #3057, but that article doesn't appear to be available any more.


Re: Repeat bars symbol in NWC2?

Reply #1
There isn't one built into NWc, so you need to make a text entry to fake it.  

Start at Page Setup/ Fonts, and instal Lawrie Pardy's MusikDingsSans  as a user font.  Set it to a fairly large text size, perhaps 16 or 18.

Put something in the bar -since you probably want to hear the bar, just copy the preceding bar into the target bar and make the visibility characteristics of all the notes and rests in that bar "hidden."  Alternatively, make the notes headless with a stem length of 0.  The latter preserves the spacing.

Now, go to the middle of the bar where you want the sign, and enter a backslash ( \ ) as a text entry set to MusikDingSans as the font.

MusikDingsSans has the 2-bar repeat sign as well, activated with the question mark ( ? ).  You need to place that at a bar line, centered on the bar line, and add a 2 above the bar line.

Put something in the bar -since you probably want to hear the bar, just copy the preceding bar into the target bar and make the visibility characteristics of all the notes and rests in that bar "hidden."  Alternatively, make the notes headless with a stem length of 0.  The latter preserves the spacing.

Lawrie's font chart also shows the ASCII code for these symbols if you're using a keyboard that is not laid out like the ones used in the USA

If you've made all the notes and rests in the target bar "hidden," then you should set the backslash to "preserve width."  If you did the no notehead and zero stem length, instead, just put the text entry in front of a note in the middle of the bar.


Re: Repeat bars symbol in NWC2?

Reply #2
If you want to repeat a bar (or several) then use hidden local repeats along with the repeat bars text symbol.