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Topic: On Special Endings (again, sorry) (Read 5335 times) previous topic - next topic

On Special Endings (again, sorry)

I have learnt in this Forum how to put a vertical bar at the end of a Special Ending (SE). Also how to make it encompasses more than a single measure using particulars fonts or by using a second staff.
As I can see, these are mere workarounds and the second one works visually and to print, what is useful and partially solve the issue, but not natural to the user.
Also, those has no effect on the playback if you want listen the song properly (I prefer use only Master Repeats).
Being repetitions very frequent in written music, wonder if NWC has plans to create true functional symbols for SE repetition that is, extend the line on all bars involved, properly terminated and even with the possibility of changing its placement above the staff. And, of course, correct playback.
Discussions on Special Endings are not new and really hoped NWC2 would include that feature. Related with that, I also would ask for a line above measures that should be played in Octave.
Perhaps in a next release?
Many thanks

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #1
G'day papi22,
I'm not sure where your problem is.  Special endings in conjunction with master repeats DO work correctly.  The appearance is not perfect in that the horizontal line drawn to show the ending finishes after only one bar, but the playback works for as many bars are between the special ending start and the master repeat close bar line.

Perhaps you could post a "clip" of what's causing you trouble?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #2
I'm not sure where your problem is.  Special endings in conjunction with master repeats DO work correctly.
I read papi's post as a complaint about the look of special endings, not their playback.
IMO, for printing purposes, Special Endings are among the weakest and most inflexible ascpects of NWC.
Registered user since 1996

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #3
I read papi's post as a comlaint about the look of special endings, not their playback.
I saw this bit:
... And, of course, correct playback.
and assumed he was have playback problems...

IMO, for printing purposes, Special Endings are among the weakest and most inflexible ascpects of NWC.
Umm, this is true and should be improved, but by being able to make them hidden one can at least use alternative fonts to create a diferent look if desired.

Related with that, I also would ask for a line above measures that should be played in Octave.
This is also relevant and partially reflects the request I've had in for some time relating to rudimentary line drawing capabilities...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #4
I want to respond attaching an NWC file but I cannot find how to do.
Please help me.

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #5
I want to respond attaching an NWC file but I cannot find how to do.
Please help me.

You need to upgrade your membership to NWC2User.  To do so, click this link and follow the instructions:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #6
As Lawrie Pardy says, of course Special Endings work well using Master Repeats in normal conditions. But please see the attached example.
Surely I'm doing something wrong but I am not aware.
Or perhaps the problem lies in the use of bars of different duration in each one of the overlapped staffs.
As regards the possibility of improving the graphics capabilities of NWC, I imagine if it could deal with ties and slurs, should not be very difficult to draw something as simple as a straight line between two points.
I am very happy with NWC and I hope that my comments are well interpreted as a desire to introduce improvements in the product, if possible.
In short, to my needs and knowledge, I would satisfied with what I hope about Special Endings, Octave line, and the possibility to place a bar at the beginning of a single staff so not needing an auxiliary staff.
I read in the Forum that there is a convention rule about this, but if the bar is not there, it seems to me that something is missing. It is also true that there is much written music that way and other notation software allows doing so.
I am sure the user would appreciate to be given the chance to choose how he or she wants to see their finished work.

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #7
Ha, found it!

You cannot have the special ending just before the MasterRepeatClose (and at the end of the last bar) that has no endings checked (for drawing the vertical line).  This is what is preventing the repeat from working correctly - they stop the MRC from functioning as what follows them is never executed.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #8
Oh, I see.  :-)
Thanks a lot !


Re: On Special Endings (again, sorry)

Reply #9
Hopefully better late than never?

1. To control the height of the special endings, adjust the vertical height of the active staff with Staff Properties (F2). 

2. If you can't do that for some other reason, insert a new staff above it, fill it with invisible rests and bar lines until you get to where you want your special endings.  Add the special endings here.  Make the special ending in the original staff invisible, and layer the two staffs.

3. For the little vertical bracket on a special ending, use the one from this example, which also shows you how to create an extended horizontal line. 

|Text|Text:"set Font: User 1 to: 9 point Symbol"|Font:StaffBold|Pos:-11|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"set Staff size to 14 - 18 point"|Font:StaffBold|Pos:-15|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"         ``````````````````"|Font:User1|Pos:10
|Text|Text:"````````` ù "|Font:User1|Pos:10|Justify:Right

4.  Rather than using this workaround, though, for a special ending I would use the new staff idea I first described, and remove the bar lines within the special ending, like so:
