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Topic: What is the difference between sf and sfz? (Read 12947 times) previous topic - next topic

What is the difference between sf and sfz?

I have two pieces of music (on facing pages in a book) one of which uses "sf" and the other "sfz".  My music dictionary seems to lump them, only distiguishing them from "sfp".  Does anyone have a distinction which the arranger might have been thinking of?

If they are the same in effect, would it be improper to replace "sf" (not included in NWC2) with "sfz"?

Re: What is the difference between sf and sfz?

Reply #1
"sf" and "sfz" are abbreviations of the term "sforzando" (I'm not so sure I spelt that right). I think it has something to do with sudden loudness.
My musical dictionary says:

Sforzando: Forced, accented. Abbreviated sf or sfz.

As far as "sfp" goes, it means play it forte but suddenly piano. Sometimes I see things like "sffp" or "sfffpp". They're usually used with notes of longer duration.

Sorry, if this was not helpful.