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Topic: print file contents (Read 5182 times) previous topic - next topic

print file contents

Does anybody know how to print file contents?? I have a few hundred songs stored in 5 or 6 different folders in NWC and would like to be able to print the contents of those folders I have windows xp
Thank You

Re: print file contents

Reply #1
Open folder.  Select all.  Right click.  Print. Repeat for other folders.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: print file contents

Reply #2
What? Only 5 or 6 folders?

To those who have LOTS of folders: there are tools available, but a simple Dos-trick works very well.
Start, Run, Cmd (or Command, depending on your Windows-version), go to the drive where your Noteworthy-files reside (mine is I:, so I type "i: <enter>"); next, go to the folder
(I type cd \rob\noteworthy\, but when there are spaces in the folders, you need to quote it:
cd "\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer\"
And now create the list:
dir /s /b *.nwc > MyList.txt
creates a list of the names of the Noteworthy files, prefixed with the directory name. Quite useful. Doing the same without the /b switch produces a 'normal' directory listing.

No rocket science there, but if I am too vague here or there please say so.

Re: print file contents

Reply #3
There's a nifty little program called Filegrab.exe.

FileGrab uses Explorer to give you a list of filenames. You can save the list to disk, print it, or copy it into the Clipboard for pasting into another application.

So far as I know, it's a freebie, available here,1759,1937,00.asp

Re: print file contents

Reply #4
First off.... doing a print from Windows Explorer will NOT work. Computer tries to print all of the documents not the file list! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
Second off... FileGrab from PCMag is no longer free. Scumbags.
Not sure how to solve this one.... sure glad that I have a old verison of FileGrab.

Re: print file contents

Reply #5
For those who are not afraid to use Dos-boxes, do this.

Example = get a list of all Noteworthy-files in a directory tree,
and write it to MyNwc.txt
- Open cmd (or command)
- Go to the drive & directory where you want, and type
- dir /s *.nwc > MyNwc.txt

It might help.

Re: print file contents

Reply #6
So I've said it before... yeah, the power of advertisement is in repetition. Did anybody try it?


Re: print file contents

Reply #7
Or try Directory Lister, freeware from:
Directory Lister, Windows Configurator freeware for Windows homepage

The site is a bit odd, so you may have to search a bit to find the download page.