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Topic: Note Stem Length (Read 5524 times) previous topic - next topic

Note Stem Length

Most frustrating issue I currently have with Noteworthy is the inability to shorten the stem lengths.
Makes a right old mess of the layout sometimes...

Anyone else got the same beef?
Spoils an otherwise fine product for me.


Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #1
I concur that being able to adjust the stem length would be a very valuable addition.  For a product like NWC, this could make the difference between an acceptable sheet music printout and a really slick-looking one, for relatively little investment.

A side benefit is that you could set the stem length to zero, so you could make scores with those black dots that people seem to want sometimes.

It would also automatically fix various oddities with beaming angles.

As a first cut, I don't think it would be hard to assign a stem length property to every note (perhaps it even has one already) and then allow adjustment of that value through the note editing feature.  It could be limited to tweaking a numeric value - maybe inconvenient, but could be implemented quickly by the author(s), and that would be enough for anyone willing to make the effort to polish up their scores.

Maybe later a mouse-dragging interface whereby you could grab the end of the stem and adjust it a la MacDraw, but I am hesitant to introduce drag and drop paradigms into NWC.

One for the wish list, anybody?

- seb

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #2
Being able to adjust the stem length would be very cool, but forget that mouse thing.  "Tweaking a numeric value" would be enough to take care of it, as the first and last notes of a beamed group "always" need to be "whole-numbers of intervals."  Any notes that aren't the first and last notes of a beamed group could be "drawn" fractionally by having their stem lengths set to "ignore" any whole-number lengths.  I know this stem length thing has been discussed before, but I can't find the specific thread that explains all of it.

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #3
I want to agree on dropping the mouse-drag idea.  A propery dialog item seems like it would be easier to implement, meaning it has a higher chance of happening.

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #4
This must be one of the best suggestions for improvements that I’ve see in this forum. Quite often I find that notes that collide with lyrics in just one or two places dictate the dimensions of the whole piece.

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #5
I am quite new to NoteWorthy, but have already produced some useful scores for the choir I sing in.  The one problem I have had is this one.  Almost eveery piece I have produced has been spoilt by notes clashing with the lyrics.......please do something about this!

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #6
With stem lengths fixed one can still avoid clashes with lyrics by adjusting the upper and/or lower vertical size of the staff, or adjusting the offset property of the lyrics.  Actually I suspect one has to adjust both, and I can never remember which way to push the offset, you'll have to experiment.

The vertical size is set on the visual tab of the staff properties, while the offset is set on the first (name? -- can't remember) tab of the lyric dialogue box.

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #7
The lyric offset is measured from the upper or lower boundary of your staff.  If your upper staff height is 15 units and you offset by 3, the lyrics will move inward to a position of 12 units from the centre line of the staff. This is on the first tab, the configuration tab, of the lyric editor dialogue box.

Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #8
Ron wrote in Quite often I find that notes that collide with lyrics in just one or two places…
In such cases, I often solved it by inserting one or some underscores ( "_" char) just before (or after) the faulting syllable. This makes the syllable to move a bit right (or left, resp.) Do NOT put a space between the underscore(s) and the syllable. For example: if the 2nd syllable of "Al-le-lu-iah" is covered by a beam, then "Al-__le-lu-iah" may be much better.

You may also consider the "standard rules" vs. "Start of Accidental/notes" option, in the Staff Lyrics window (quick key: Ctrl+L), Configuration tab.

Another way is to create a 2nd lyrics line, with only underscore+space as many as needed, excepted the faulty syllable. Or a duplicated layered staff with a single lyric line, with its lyrics being placed lower than the original staff, which allows you to have the lyrics correctly highlighted at playback time). I prefer the 1st solution, but the three work :)

P.S. Do not forget to submit your wishes on the wish list page!


Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #9
Well, as the originator of this thread it is encouraging to see that the subject has merit!
Let me add some more details however. My suggestion for control of stem length was not just motivated by the need to avoid conflict with lyrics. As has been pointed out above, this can be done using the lyric 'offset' parameter and/or the staff properties.
The consistent issue I have is that the stem lengths are sometimes too long and spoil what is otherwise a quite acceptable layout.
Also I believe that the look of the ties between ascending or descending notes would improve if we could only control the initial and final stem lengths.  What do you think?


Re: Note Stem Length

Reply #10
Take a look at NWC2.
I think you'll be quite pleased...