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Topic: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features: (Read 4207 times) previous topic - next topic

I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

---> Saving possible in other formats. First of all MusicXML and other like: .mus (Finale), .sib (Sibelius), .sng (MusicMentor Session).

---> Importing from other well known programs (like above).

---> Transposition possible in custom range (not only a whole staff).

---> Page setup in graphic mode.

---> Double dot option.

---> Fifthplet option.

---> Old clef option.

---> Grace notes possible to write above the staff (for easier Trill writing).

If you provide these features in next version I will buy this wonderful program :)

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #1
The program already has four of those features. How much would you be willing to pay for the others?

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #2

One feature I'd definitely want is for the note to sound as I'm entering it. Noteworthy is a great program if you're: a)entering music from a keyboard or b) someone with perfect pitch, and can look at a piece of sheet music and read it without being near a piano. I do not yet have the first, and it is unlikely that I'll achieve the second. But if the note sounds as I'm entering it, I needn't worry about either of those things.

It would also be better if it were easier to change a note you've entered, or if you could drag and click a note to where you want it. It would make correcting mistakes less cumbersome.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #3
I definitely go for the drag-to-edit idea. Especially if it means you can edit individual notes in a chord. Currently, if I make a mistake on one note of a chord, such as missing out an accidental, for example, the only way to correct it is to delete the note and re-enter it correctly.
I'd also like to be able to adjust the accidental easily. For example, it's not too uncommon to get an F-sharp in a flat key. If I enter it using a keyboard, NWC, quite naturally, assumes it's a G-flat. So I have to enter it manually. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just right-click on the note and say "change accidental".


Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #4
Drag-and-click music notation programs already exist. A feature of NWC is that it does NOT work that way. Sound-when-enter can be found in some other programs. Not everyobody uses it, because the response is not instantaneous (due to your system), and because if you move the note, it re-plays. I actually prefer the highlight-to-play method of NWC.

It seems that NWC has taken the approach of trying to have a combination of features that work for a certain user base. Other features, such as XML conversion, seem unlikely (besides, if you already bought a more expensive program such as Sibelius, waht's the point?) I would suggest that for future improvements, NWC simply identify necessary enhancements to the existing strategy, rather than go off into far-ranging additions.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #5
Reply to Feliks:  Finale is a program that supposedly has all the features you want.  However, it is horrendously expensive and most people that I know who actually spent the money on it cannot get it to work.  My dad got so fed up with it that he sent it to me and I can't get it to work either.  I also own two other composition programs besides NWC and so far have found that this one is without a doubt the best.  The very few things that I have not been able to do, I write in by hand, which is much better than doing copy work for my Symphony conductor completely by hand like I used to have to do.  Sample some of the other programs that exist before complaining about what is missing on this one.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #6

You don't have to delete a whole chord if you get one note wrong, put the cursor against the note you don't want, hold the control key down and press backspace. Only one note will be deleted.


As for moving notes around, select them either using the keyboard or the mouse, then you can use control-shift-up/down to move them.

Finally changing a sharp to a flat & vv is easy, select the note you want to change and press 8 for flat, 9 for sharp. Not so easy on a chord, but then who said chords were easy.

I am sure some of you at least know these features of NWC, apologies for teaching grandmothers about eggs.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #7
As for having the note sound when entering, if this ever does become a feature, I would like the option to turn it off.  No, I don't have perfect pitch, but it's not necessary to have it.  I know what I'm entering, and if I misentered something, I can hear it better on playback, in an actual musical context, rather than hearing all the notes as the same duration.  I have tried programs with the note-sound-when-entering feature, and have found them to be useful only as educational tools.  For my regular notation stuff, I would prefer quiet.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #8
To Stuart,

Yes, I know about deleting a single note. My point was that if you make a mistake on one note in a chord, the only option is to delete that note and re-enter it.
And the same goes for moving notes - you can only move an entire chord, not individual notes. The same goes for accidentals, as you have stated.


PS - As many people have said, for the money, NWC is still the best program out there, and as an amateur, I'm not going to fork out x-hundred pounds/dollars for $ibelius or £inale, or one of the other all-singing all-dancing products.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #9
Hi Feliks,
A few days ago, I transposed a part of a staff. True, it is a bit workaround-ish, but quite doable. I wanted to transpose the second half or so, so I deleted the first half using Shift-delete, then did the transposition, then Shift-Insert (paste), and hey presto! The first, untransposed part was back. Repeat for all bars, and Bob's your uncle.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #10
Control X and Control V might be a little easier, depending on your keyboard layout.  I'm lefthanded, with a "natural" keyboard, and it's easier for me than shift and delete.

I think I'd drop the cut part into a new staff before doing the second part of the operation, though, just in case you forget it's in your clipboard, and accidentally replace it with something else you're going to copy.

Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #11
OK, point taken. My way of doing things was a bit more nerdy. RdH


Re: I will buy NWC if new version will have these features:

Reply #12
No, no, no, I wasn't intending to criticize, just provide yet another alternative.  I think the basic idea and the shift-whatever are great.