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Topic: Trasposition (Read 5045 times) previous topic - next topic


I would like to transpose my music on writting form as well as the sound...

How do I go about doing this?

as always, thank you very much for your help!

Re: Trasposition

Reply #1
First of all, be sure the staff has a key signature--if it is in C insert a key signature with no sharps or flats.  It will appear as a greyed out F Natural.

When you are on the staff to be tranposed enter Alt/T then T again (or from the Tools menu select Transpose).  Select the number of semitones to be transposed up or down.  If you are actually changing the key, leave the "Update staff playback transposition" unchecked.

Playback transposition is only used for instruments which don't play at concert pitch.  If you wrote for a Bb clarinet in concert pitch, you would transpose it up two semitones but leave the box checked.
Since 1998

Re: Trasposition

Reply #2
Hi Akido,

just one remark on Warren's explanations : Before you transpose a staff, be sure to make use of the option "Force Accidentials".

Re: Trasposition

Reply #3
Dear Warren Porter

Thank you very mucrh for your help!!!


Re: Trasposition

Reply #4
You're welcome!
Since 1998

Re: Trasposition

Reply #5
I have a ragtime piece in G and want to make it go down a fifth in the trio to C. However, when I change the key signature for that measure, it sounds almost the same as it did before, with the exception that a few notes are now flatted.

I tried making use of the Transpose Staff feature, but it still didn't make all the notes in the section go down a fifth. What it sounded like was almost a minor-key version of what I had before.


Re: Trasposition

Reply #6
Rachel - I think you may have to do a cut and paste to make that work.

Place a double bar at the start of your trio section (so you can find it again when you paste).
Add a new staff to the score with the same clef, time and key signature as the original (G).
Select the trio section from the original staff and Ctrl/X (cut).
Place the cursor at the start of your new staff and Ctrl/V (paste).
Transpose the new staff -7 but make sure that "Update Staff Playback" is NOT checked.
The new staff should now be in C. (with a Natural sign on F).
Cut and paste the trio section on the new staff back into your original score and add the C key signature at the start (behind the double bar you inserted).
You must have a key signature even if the key is C if you intend to transpose or audit the accidentals later (the natural on F won't be printed).
Delete the temporary staff.
If there is a section following the trio in the original key you will have to add a G key signature after the trio.

Hope that works for you.

Barry Graham
Top Brass Events Band
Melbourne, Australia