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Topic: Note placement after transposing staff (Read 4004 times) previous topic - next topic

Note placement after transposing staff

I followed the numerous tips in this forum for transposing a staff but didn't get the results I was looking for.

I needed to transpose an entire piece of music (vocal plus piano accompaniment) from G major to D major.  After transposing (pursuant to the instructions found here and in the Tips area), the notes had not moved down as I had hoped.

Instead, I had to highlight the entire staff, move the notes down using ctrl+shift+down, and then perform the transposing procedure again to re-key for the new key signature.

Is this the recommended way to change keys?


Jon Moss

Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #1
You can only transpose one staff at a time.  Once you have selected the staff, click on 'tools' and then 'transpose staff'.  Make sure you select which way you want to transpose (i.e. you could transpose from G to D by going UP 7 semitones, or DOWN 5 semitones).  If you merely change the key signature at the beginning of a staff, then the notes of that staff will not transpose automatically.  Another thing I thought of that might cause problems is if you do not have a key signature in your selected staff.  However, in checking a song without a key signature with my version of NWC (1.75 w/web updates), it still transposed properly and added the needed accidentals.  Good Luck!

Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #2
Okay, I will try it again.  I did change the key signature but it appeared that the notes did not move down.  I will try again on the original file (I always create a copy when I start changing the score like this.


Jon Moss

Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #3
Jon, you say "I did change the key signature but it appeared that the notes did not move down."  To transpose a staff DO NOT change the key signature - use Tools/Transpose Staff.  NWC will look after the key signature for you.

Just changing the key signature does only that - e.g replaces a key signature of 3 sharps with one of four flats.  The notes will not move.



Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #4

Yes, I discovered that and I finally successfully transposed all three staves down by 5 semitones.

However, I have a new problem.  The transposed song (I made a copy before transposing) plays the same pitch as the original song.  What gives!

If I copy a piece of one of the staffs from the transposed song into a new blank score, it plays the correct pitch.

Is this a bug?


Jon Moss

Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #5
For each staff hit the F2 key.  Under the MIDI tab, be sure transposition is set to zero.  The only reason something other than zero would be in this field is when you transpose an instrument which plays in something other than C.  For a piece in the key of F, a Bb clarinet would be looking at the key of G and you would want to transpose by two half steps.
Since 1998

Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #6
Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!

That fixed it!



Re: Note placement after transposing staff

Reply #7
You're welcome;  glad it worked.
Since 1998