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Topic: Octaves (Read 5481 times) previous topic - next topic


How do you make NoteWorthy play notes an octave below written?
You know, like "8va________". Is there a command, or what?

Re: Octaves

Reply #1
1. Select staff. 2. Enter shortcut key "c" which will
bring up window for octave selection. 3. Click on octave
shift which will bring up octave up or down selection.
Choose what you want to do

Re: Octaves

Reply #2
1. Select staff. 2. Enter shortcut key "c" which will
bring up window for octave selection. 3. Click on octave
shift which will bring up octave up or down selection.
Choose what you want to do

Re: Octaves

Reply #3
An alternative to Don's suggestion - if you dont want an 8va clef on the score is to set the staff transposition in Staff Properties - Midi to +12 or -12.


Re: Octaves

Reply #4
Thank you very much!