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Topic: Text author name (Read 4391 times) previous topic - next topic

Text author name

Is there a way to print the name of the lyric author at its traditional place to the upper-left of the score, under the title?

Re: Text author name

Reply #1
It is not possible to do what you want in NWC Song Author Info. One way to do it that I have used on occasion is to make the Title, words by, and music by on a word processor where you can format the the information as a heading to the music. You would have to set the top margin of your word processor to conform to the space required for the staff printing, print a page with the information, and then reinsert the page with the headings back into the printer and print the score. I find in some instances that I can print more staffs on a page with this technique.

Re: Text author name

Reply #2
In addition to the route suggested by Dan Ferguson, you can also deselect title info for printing, create an image of the score instead of printing, and then bring up the copy as a graphic into your wordprocessor. You can then add the title and other information there. Hope that helps.

Re: Text author name

Reply #3
How about simply putting both all on the one line with a huge lot of spaces between one and the other so that it LOOKS like the lyricist is on the left hand side?


Just tried it and the composer doesn't have enough space to do it (48 characters in total).


Re: Text author name

Reply #4
Whilst we're at quick fixes for more flexibility, if you're finding importing into word processors a little hard, you may want to try double printing onto a page. It may even be quicker in the long run.

Print out your normal title page. Now measure where the new title info should go. Now mock that up in your favourite word processor or presentation program. Now print it on the original piece of paper. Barring the inevitable problems with trying this method (misalignment, paper the wrong way round, cooking the paper if it's a laser printer, smearing the ink otherwise, the possibilities are endless...) your should now have the correct info in the correct spot.


PS: An extension of this method, would be to print out one's score, and then use some graphics package to create all the markups that are missing on that page and run it through. (Sigh) What a lot of work! I thought computers were supposed to SAVE time!

Re: Text author name

Reply #5
In addition to the many good suggestions - I have used Powerpoint and just pasted the score copied from NWC Print Preview. You can control the size of the score and use the graphical capabilities of Powerpoint to add any notation you wish including titles, authors, etc. Only thing I have found is that in order for the score to print properly NWC must be running in the background.

Re: Text author name

Reply #6
Is there any way to edit the Copyright information after it has been created on a new file? What happens if one has made a spelling mistaek and one wants to go back afterwards to corrkt them?

Re: Text author name

Reply #7
In the File menu click on Info.
If that's what you mean.

Re: Text author name

Reply #8
Re: Putting more info up in the "title" areas.

A reasonable workaround can be effected by using the 'insert text' command on the top staff. You can define your own size with one of the user font options.

Which measure to insert the text at, and how high up the staff, just has to be experimented with. You can place the author and lyricist info just where you want it with a little trial and error.




Re: Text author name

Reply #9
The 1.70 Beta can make inserting titles easier by using the new text alignment options (eg. Center or Right justified).