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Topic: Gettin' along... (Read 72112 times) previous topic - next topic

Gettin' along...

G'day all,
The following is an excerpt from a posting that appears occasionally in the newsgroup for the aid of new comers.  Some of its' content is obviously NG specific and can be ignored in this context.  My primary interest in posting it here is the "Etiquette" section.

I suggest you remember a small quotation as you read through: "There is none holy, no, not one."

I might add that I am not taking a "holier than thou" position.  Nor should anyone else...  IMHO

This posting is intended to help newcomers to the newsgroup join in comfortably. Lots of other help is at the Noteworthy Scriptorium, at especially the larger Frequently Asked Questions page at

Of course, remains the home of Noteworthy Composer software.

<snip some newsgroup operational specifics that aren't relevant>

Folks on the newsgroup are very friendly and helpful. Posting of NWC files for sharing, feedback, etc is encouraged on the newsgroup, and your own participation in feedback is welcome. Please don't flood the newsgroup with too many songs in a day. Otherwise, usual newsgroup etiquette prevails:
Talk politely when addressing folks. No flaming, please. If someone flames, it's best to ignore it or e-mail objections privately so as
not to prolong the annoyance.

It's okay to complain about aspects of NWC, but try and do so constructively if possible. It may be a Mercedes at a Volkswagen price, but it ain't a Lamborghini (yet). Often, however, if you are stuck when doing something with NWC, more experienced users will have already found a workaround, so it may well be worth your while to ask. If you are posting a wish, don't forget that Noteworthy Software have a special web page at for you to provide that sort of feedback. Do use it, as it is the only official channel for helping to shape future development.

When quoting other users, try and make the quotes brief and relevent to what you want to say. Avoid requoting whole postings simply so that you can say "LOL" (Laughing Out Loud) or "Great!".

The newshost disallows posting files other than NWC, GIF, JPG and itree, and limits posting to about 80k. For other files, a good alternative is to make the file available on the web somewhere and simply post a link to it.

Avoid posting in HTML format if possible (most newsreaders will give you the option), as it unnecessarily increases the volume of posts, and there still exist newsreaders that don't care for such formats.

"This appears to also be a Forum for creative individuals from everywhere on Earth to share their creative struggles, accomplishments, failures, share advice, get help, no matter who or where they are, with no discrimination on any grounds of age, gender, nationality, philosophy, religion, education, physical limitations, emotional concerns." This went without saying, until someone said it! :-)

Everyone on the newsgroup is encouraged to protect themselves from internet-borne computer viruses, worms etc by using a good antivirus program and KEEPING IT UP TO DATE. We rarely get any posted to the newsgroup, but it has happened. Outlook Express is particularly vulnerable, and users of OE are encouraged to install security updates from and use the more recent versions which have better security options. In particular, setting OE to only read a message in plain text format (no "formatting"), and setting OE to "restricted zone" security. Disabling attachments (IE6) is a very safe option, but means that you won't be able to play NWC files, so is best avoided.

Look in Tools | Options | Security and Tool | Options | Read. Users of NetScape/Mozilla 7 should not open any attachments ending in .bat, .scr, .exe, .com etc. and Edit | Preferences | Scripts and Plugins | Uncheck "Enable javascript for mail and newsgroups" (default)

AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK As Far As I Know
BG Big Grin
BTW By The Way
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
G Grin
HTH (I) Hope This Helps
IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IMS If Memory Serves
LOL Laughing out loud
NG Newsgroup
NW NoteWorthy
NWA NoteWorthy Artware (now NWS)
NWC NoteWorthy Composer
NWP NoteWorthy Player
NWS NoteWorthy Software (formerly NWA)
OTOH On The Other Hand (or Off Top Of Head)
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Scripto The Noteworthy Scriptorium, at
TIA Thanks In Advance
TTYTT To Tell You The Truth
VBG Very Big Grin
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #1
Hey Lawrie,
I'm not sure what flaming is but I'll assume that it is something like an angry rant. I have never been able to get to the news group because I couldn't set up the Outlook Express properly, however!!!, I shall try again when my new PC arrives. (I have been without one for weeks as the old one finally croaked! :) Wondering what translation says Holy instead of Righteous. While He is my righteousness, we are commanded to be holy as He is holy. Ta-ta.

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #2
G'day Duncan,
Wondering what translation says Holy instead of Righteous.

Hmm, probably the faulty one between my ears.  :)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #3
Hee Hee, just found a beaut little vid. on this topic on another forum - We don't actually have the problems mentioned, but I just hadda share it...  :)


The above link appears to now be defunct.

I'm pretty sure this is the same clip:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #4
[move]Good One![/move]

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #5
IMO, the NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 16 topic is becoming incomprehensible. It seems that it is being used as a dumping ground for NWC2 peeves instead of discussion of the new Beta.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #6
I imagine you're concerned about my two posts in that thread Rick, in one of which I groused about not being able to find the upgrade, and the other one discussing possible improvement. 

While the first one was a complaint and sought a solution, it was not a pet peeve because it's a new-to-me problem.

The second one is not a pet peeve per se, either. 

Since Eric doesn't customarily let us know what he intends to do with NWC in this upgrade he's betatesting, we can only speculate. With slurs being perhaps the longest standing standing complaint, and arguably the most complained about feature over many years, I was hoping to see some work done with them.  Since I was in the midst of copying out single parts from a divisi band part, I couldn't help but compare what I was getting with NWC2 to the original professionally printed part.  I thought it would be useful to suggest certain enhancements on the offchance Eric will be doing more work on slurs


Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #8
I imagine you're concerned about my two posts in that thread Rick, in one of which I groused about not being able to find the upgrade, and the other one discussing possible improvement.  
You might have had less trouble finding the upgrade if there weren't so many off-topic replies. So, in that respect yes, one of your posts caused concern.

I don't want to single anyone out.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #9

You might have add less trouble finding the upgrade if there weren't so many off-topic replies.

Who gets to decide what's off-topic?

Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #10
Hey Lawrie,
I'm not sure what flaming is but I'll assume that it is something like an angry rant. I have never been able to get to the news group because I couldn't set up the Outlook Express properly, however!!!, I shall try again when my new PC arrives. (I have been without one for weeks as the old one finally croaked! :) Wondering what translation says Holy instead of Righteous. While He is my righteousness, we are commanded to be holy as He is holy. Ta-ta.
Different passage, I believe. Isaiah 65:5.


Re: Gettin' along...

Reply #11
Hi Susanna,
nice to "see" you 'round.

Different passage, I believe. Isaiah 65:5.
I was actually thinking more along the lines of Psalm 53:3 - Isiah 65:5 is a quite different context.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.