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Topic: Tremolo with octaves (Read 5347 times) previous topic - next topic

Tremolo with octaves

Good morning to you,
I need to insert a tremolo between two octaves. I get the result, the tremolo appears and sounds as it should but the octaves still appear with the "whisker" ("flag" in English?).
How can I remove it?

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #1
Good morning to you,
I need to insert a tremolo between two octaves. I get the result, the tremolo appears and sounds as it should but the octaves still appear with the "whisker" ("flag" in English?).
How can I remove it?
I'm not sure what your score looks like. Can you post a snippet?

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #2
Here is the measure where my problem is.
I hope I copied the notes well.
Thanks and goodbye.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #3
The help file for the object says the following:
To create a tremolo, first create two RestChords of the desired duration. For whole, half and quarter note tremolos, the rest duration should be half of the note's duration. For eighth tremolos, the note duration should be quarter and the rest duration sixteenth.

I chose this approach for eighth note tremolos since there is no easy way to hide the flag on eighth notes :)

Here is a fixed version of that measure. Also, please note that you should mute the notes on each side of the tremolo object if you are using playback.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #4
Thanks Mike,
I had read the instructions for your tremolo, but stopped at the indication of the "half of the note" rest. I understood and corrected it. But now another problem arises. In the upper line of the score there is a whole note (4/4), while in the lower line, the one with the tremolo, NWC correctly reads 5/4. I solved it with a quarter rest, not visible, in the upper line. Graphically it is fine, but from a musical point of view no. Is there any other solution that is completely correct?
In any case, thanks for your instructions.
Have a good evening (here in Italy it is 8:14 PM).

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #5
I notice that you changed the rests on the rest chords to quarter rests, instead of 16th rests. Except for the case of an eighth tremolo, the rest duration should be 1/2 of the note duration, meaning that in this case, the notes should be half notes[1]. Did you mean to use those instead? Is the bottom measure supposed to be 5 beats total?
My apologies to UK and Australian members who are used to seeing minims, quavers and crotchets  :)

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #6
Mike, to dispel any doubts about my transcription, I attach the scan of the measure in question, on two musical staves.
Good evening.

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #7
I am not an expert on tremolos, but to me, that measure seems incorrect, at least if the time signature is 4/4. A two-note tremolo that has 8th notes for each note would have a total duration of 1/8 note in the measure, and with two additional beams, it would play as 32nd notes. Adding up the other beats, there would be a total of 7 beats in the measure.

Perhaps it is a typo in the score, and it was meant to be quarter note tremolos? In that case it would add up to 4 beats.

I would welcome a comment or correction from someone else who is more familiar with tremolos.

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #8
A two-note tremolo that has 8th notes for each note would have a total duration of 1/8 note in the measure, and with two additional beams, it would play as 32nd notes. Adding up the other beats, there would be a total of 7 beats in the measure.
Perhaps it is a typo in the score, and it was meant to be quarter note tremolos? In that case it would add up to 4 beats.
I agree.

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #9
When I said "7 beats" I meant "7 eighth notes", or 3.5 quarter notes.

Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #10
I am not an expert on tremolos...
Me even less than you!
I attach some experiments.
These are the measures involved with my variations for the various types of tremolo.
The musicians have their say.
Have a nice day.

PS: I ask you to be very simple in your explanations because I have to rely on Google translator  :(
PS 2: I exclude errors in the score


Re: Tremolo with octaves

Reply #11
PS 2: I exclude errors in the score
Sorry, Lorenzo, but I disagree.
The correct way to notate that is (as Mike said) as follows:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]