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Topic: Print the score horizontally (Read 3251 times) previous topic - next topic

Print the score horizontally

Good day, I always follow you with pleasure. I'm not a musician, just an amateur and moreover half deaf.
This is my question: is it possible to always print the score horizontally?
Happy New Year everyone and thank you.

Re: Print the score horizontally

Reply #1
The only way I can think of is this:
When NWC launches, it will use the current default printer and it's associated settings.  If you set that printer in the system settings to be Landscape, then that's what you'll get, BUT this will also affect every other program you use.  Probably not a desirable outcome...

AFAIK NWC does not save page orientation information in the song file.

So, a possible way around this is to:
a) create a new printer device in windows that is a copy or your usual printer except for its name, and page orientation.
b) install this utility (N.B. I have not tested this and I have not checked its pedigree so use at your own risk)
and assign the new printer device to NWC

The utility purports to change the active printer based on which application is printing.  Hopefully it will work, and NWC will now always print in Landscape unless you change the default settings for this new printer object.

If you decide to try it please let the forum know if it worked.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Print the score horizontally

Reply #2
Thanks. In my request I forgot to mention that I, working and playing (harmonica) on the PC, use PD Creator as a printer. This program does not allow you to set and maintain a horizontal orientation. I've tried several ways, but when I close the program (and NWC) the default setting reverts to "portrait orientation". I would also have a second request, which concerns the text, not the one under the notes (lyric) but all the lines, which are usually written under the last line. Is there a way to position it correctly without anchoring it to a bar, note, bar line? I am always in great difficulty with this topic. PS: if I need to open a new topic for this topic, say so. Good day and happy new year again.

Re: Print the score horizontally

Reply #3
Hey Lorenzo,
Thanks. In my request I forgot to mention that I, working and playing (harmonica) on the PC, use PD Creator as a printer. This program does not allow you to set and maintain a horizontal orientation. I've tried several ways, but when I close the program (and NWC) the default setting reverts to "portrait orientation".
In Windows (before you start NWC) go to the printer properties for the PDFCreator printer object.  One way is to go to Control Panel, then open "Devices and Printers".  Here you can right click on the PDF Creator printer and select "Printer Properties".  Here you need to go to 2 places:
1) On the General Tab click the Preferences button, on the Layout tab select Landscape in the orientation box and click OK
2) On the Advanced tab click the "Printing Defaults" button at the bottom and change the orientation to landscape here too, then click OK.  You might notice that both the dialogues look the same and perform similar functions.
3) Click OK again to close the printer properties dialogue

Thanks to microsoft dreadful UI design you need to change this in both places to be sure it works OK.
This should save landscape orientation such that NWC will see it as the default when it starts.

I would also have a second request, which concerns the text, not the one under the notes (lyric) but all the lines, which are usually written under the last line. Is there a way to position it correctly without anchoring it to a bar, note, bar line? I am always in great difficulty with this topic. PS: if I need to open a new topic for this topic, say so. Good day and happy new year again.
I'm not certain which text you're talking about...
a) Lyric text is automatically associated with the notation, vertical controls and syllabic association is in the lyrics dialogue.

b) Copyright information, which comes from the file info dialogue automatically appears centred at the bottom.

c) all other text (not created by user objects like PageTextMaestro) will go to the current cursor position, with some available controls in the text properties dialogue, on the Placement tab. 
Vertical placement is controlled by the vertical position of the anchor
For horizontal placement you can choose left, right and centre justified; and aligned/placed as "Best Fit" (NWC chooses where it goes), Best Fit Forward (again NWC chooses, but with a bias towards the right hand end of available space), As Staff Signature (to be honest I've never figured out just how this works) and At Next Note/Bar which is exactly what it says: depending on what follows the anchor position the text will justify itself with the head of the next note, OR the next bar line.

d) finally there are user objects that can position text.  The one I normally use is the the related pair written by Eric from NWC and it can probably best be learned about in its introduction thread:
To install this object pair just download the NWC file in the first post in the thread, open it in NWC, press <Ctrl+J> and select "Online Synch..."  This should copy down the missing objects and install them for you.

There is also an effective object Created by the late RickG:

And another by hmmueller:

All three function differently and you will need to decide for yourself which is most appropriate for your needs.  PLEASE NOTE, despite misgivings caused my misunderstandings, there is no need whatsoever to learn any programming language in order to use object plugins.  Simply install once into NWC as per instructions and then insert objects (just press <j>) where required into your scores.

Here is an intro video:

I hope that helps some...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Print the score horizontally

Reply #4
You are always very kind, thank you. I've already changed the PDF Creator printer settings. Then I will calmly examine the various points you have indicated to me.
The text I was referring to is the one highlighted in the annex.
Good day.

Re: Print the score horizontally

Reply #5
Ciao Lorenzo,
sorry, what you want is not easy but, anyway, it's feasible.
Take a look at the attached examples and... good luck!
Buon anno.


Re: Print the score horizontally

Reply #6
Ciao Maurizio, spero che gli amici del forum non si offendano se ti rispondo in italiano. Hai perfettamente centrato il problema. Ho aperto i tuoi file, ho visto la soluzione che proponi e proverò ad applicarla.
Grazie e buon anno anche a te. Lorenzo

for everyone
Hello Maurizio, I hope that the friends of the forum will not be offended if I answer you in Italian. You have perfectly hit the problem. I opened your files, I saw the solution you propose and I will try to apply it.
Thanks and happy new year to you too.

for Lawrie
Successfully applied the "horizontal" print setting for PDF Creator. Thanks.