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Topic: Help! I am an illiterate in! (Read 2754 times) previous topic - next topic

Help! I am an illiterate in!

Hello every body!
I am ashamed to ask your help for the following question.
As I never had the need, to create Guitar tablature  for my musicians, I would be happy finally to learn the procedure to create them over a score, for my personal satisfaction.
I tried first with a right click of the mouse, on the score chord, of course it does'nt work! I tried the same on the score names, as suggested in the procedure. Nihil! I finally opened, stupidly: "Tools", then "Manage Objects (ver 2.1) But I did not find the right way. Could you kindly help me in my first steps? Thank you very much indeed!!!

Re: Help! I am an illiterate in!

Reply #1
Somehow we oversaw this ... the idea behind this is that you "add user objects" (in this case, "" objects).

First of all, you must "install" the object. For this, you go to and, at the first "Code" part, click "Download". Open the downloaded file - and Noteworty will (might) tell you about the missing object. If this is so, press "Ctrl-J" (or Tools -> Manage Objects), right click on the Object Type "" and "Install Download". Now, you can use it.

For using it, go to the place in your score where you want to show a chord symbol. Press J and then G (to go near GuitarChord), go to "" and press Enter (or doubleclick on Now, you will be asked questions about the chord - answer them and continue with Enter ... after the 3rd one, a chord symbol will appear!

If you need to change it, highlight it and press Alt-Enter - you get the "Notation Properties" dialog where you can change all the properties. For help, press the "?" in its right upper corner and then on some field (e.g. the text field near "Fingerings"), and you are shown information how to fill this field.

I hope that gets you up and running ...


Re: Help! I am an illiterate in!

Reply #2
I did send a private reply to @Raffaele, at the same time that he posted his public message.  They were along the lines of your instructions, except that I didn't include instructions on installing the object, since it is bundled as part of the NWC installation process, so it would only be missing if he were to intentionally remove it. But thanks for the additional notes; I can never tell when I am assuming too much prior knowledge.

Re: Help! I am an illiterate in!

Reply #3
I can never tell when I am assuming too much prior knowledge.
A very common problem from which I'm surely not immune...


Re: Help! I am an illiterate in!

Reply #4
I did send a private reply ... I can never tell when I am assuming too much prior knowledge.
Ah, I didn't know; or guess that someone did.

And yes, re the knowledge, it's mostly hard to tell. I started erring on the side of more detail because I think "others will read this too, and they might know even less" - as long as I feel that I am certain about some answer, which isn't always the case ... (for example, I still do not know which objects come pre-installed - just because I don't install Noteworthy any more, as it is already installed  :), and I'm too lazy/do not know where to look this up).
