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Topic: Marking places in score for Editing (Read 2450 times) previous topic - next topic

Marking places in score for Editing


I am doing lots of score edits and find that I need to jump back and forth between similar sections to compare and make sure changes are made consistently. Is there a way to mark where I have been working so I can jump back to it, other than by using the Go to feature? I've tried searching and can't seem to find what I'm looking for on the forum. Any other tips and tricks to help in this endeavour?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Marking places in score for Editing

Reply #1
I need to jump back and forth  [...] Any other tips and tricks to help in this endeavour?
Use NWC's Find Command.
Put in some invisible Text items consisting of a sequence that won't normally appear in a score. I use two semicolons followed by a lower case letter:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
This gives me 26 bookmarks.
After using them for while, the Find Command will build a list of them for you.
To remove all your bookmarks, Search for:
Go to the beginning of the score, Press F3, delete until they are all gone.

Registered user since 1996

Re: Marking places in score for Editing

Reply #2
Rick's solution is better than mine, but for a quick fix, I enter an ugly text item in a large font, usually red, at whatever place in the score I want to come back to, then use  {Home} {End} {Ctrl-Left Arrow} and/or {Ctrl-Right Arrow} to move back and forth fairly quickly back and forth until I spot it.  I might just put the mark on one system, or I might enter it all the way down the score, depending on my mood and needs of the moment.


Re: Marking places in score for Editing

Reply #3
Thanks! I will give both methods a try and see if I can reduce my time so I can get to the good stuff - composing and performing!