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Topic: Maximum Volume & Note Accents (Read 4629 times) previous topic - next topic

Maximum Volume & Note Accents

It just occured to me; If I put in the staff properties a staff volume of 127 (maximum) and then write on that staff accented notes, will they SOUND accented? If not, then in numerical (0 to 127) terms or in percentile terms, if appropriate, how much does accenting increase the volume?

Re: Maximum Volume & Note Accents

Reply #1
Accents affect velocity (as controlled by dynamics) rather than channel volume. You can use the following table as a guide, the dynamics shown are the default values. The first entry of each pair is accented, the second is unaccented. You can copy the table with Cntl C, then paste it into your file editor of choice for later reference.

On ch=1 note=c6 vel=10 ppp
On ch=1 note=c6 vel=14

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=30   pp
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=42

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=45   p
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=63

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=60   mp
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=84

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=75   mf
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=105

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=92 f
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=127

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=108 ff
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=127

On ch=1 note=b5 vel=127 fff
On ch=1 note=b5 vel=127

Re: Maximum Volume & Note Accents

Reply #2
Oops.. I mean, the first value of each pair is _un_accented, the second value is accented.


Re: Maximum Volume & Note Accents

Reply #4
Thanks Fred for compiling this useful table.

This confirm a suspiction of mine: that in general NWC accents are too loud. A boost of 10 points or so in velocity value would be preferable, but to pass from a mf 75 to an accented mf 105 (30 points) is really too much and I find myself always applying workarounds because NWC defaults are a bit extreme, at least for classical music.

Would it be possible to have the percentage of accent boost to be configurable as a staff or song property? What does the NWC community think about this?

Re: Maximum Volume & Note Accents

Reply #5
I agree. I've already added this to the wish list ;) but I'm glad someone would find this a desirable addition. I too have had to use workarounds to make the accents more reasonable (to my ear).

I'd also really like to be able to change the default dynamics settings, without having to specify them at every occurrence (e.g. p(60,0) etc.) Perhaps this could even be stored in an .ini or .cfg file so that different default setups could be installed using file copy/rename.

Re: Maximum Volume & Note Accents

Reply #6
By the way, Ramón, thanks for your wonderful submissions recently to the Scriptorium. I've also enjoyed the sequences on your home page, and was hoping you'd send some along to the "group repository." Wonderful work.



Re: Maximum Volume & Note Accents

Reply #7
Thanks for the kind words. They're much needed.

As soon as I revise some old files I'll send them to the Scriptorium too.