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Topic: stuck keys (Read 4038 times) previous topic - next topic

stuck keys

in almost every piece i work on, noteworthy has a problem with stuck keys. it will sustain a note even after i click stop. clicking stop 2 or 3 times usually shuts it off, but this problem makes it hard to hear a score. any ideas?

Re: stuck keys

Reply #2
I had this same problem when I first started using NWC. In my case, tied notes were the culprit. If the first of a pair of tied notes uses an accidental, you must enter the second with the same accidental marked. This won't show up on the screen or in a printout, but you have to tell NWC that you want that note to remain the same. For example, if you want two B flats tied together within the key of C, you must enter the second B as a flat. Otherwise, NWC thinks you want the second note to change to B natural. The first note is tied to nothing and the program continues to play it (until another B flat comes along). I had to edit several scores early on by highlighting the incorrect notes and clicking the proper accidental. Hope this helps.


Re: stuck keys

Reply #3
I would add to chris's response that this only happens when the tie crosses a bar line. Within a measure, once an accidental has been applied to a note it remains in effect. The bar line wipes the slate clean, so it's really only after a bar line that you need to re-enter the accidental.