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Topic: Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2 (Read 3944 times) previous topic - next topic

Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2

I have a song that has Soprano/Alto/Tenor/and Bass on separate lines.

I would like to copy them, or change a setting so  so the Alto overlays the soprano and the bass overlays the tenor so I end up with just soprano/alto and tenor/bass in two lines.

Is this possible without rekeying my whole song?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer


Re: Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2

Reply #1
G'day Dwight,
is there any problem with using the layering feature?

E.G. Set all stems on the sop. staff up (select everything on the staff and <Shift-Up>), do the same for the alto staff except set them down instead of up <Shift-Down>, set the sop. staff to "Layer with next staff" in the visual tab of the staff properties and then allow layering |View|Allow Layering|

Repeat the process for the tenor and bass staves.

One proviso on this is that both sop. and alto are treble clef and both tenor and bass are bass clef.  If there are any differences in clef you'll need to correct 'em first.  I.E. transpose one of the voices.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2

Reply #2
Hello Dwight,
There is a manual on the Scripto. Not up to and including NWC 2.0, but still a very good starting point.
You will find it under "Command summary" on

Worth a browse - it will answer a lot of questions and give you a good idea of the program.

Re: Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2

Reply #3
One proviso on this is that both sop. and alto are treble clef and both tenor and bass are bass clef.  If there are any differences in clef you'll need to correct 'em first.  I.E. transpose one of the voices.
You will need to put the tenors on a bass clef which are probably now on a shifted down treble clef.  After replacing the clef, do Home Shift/End to select the whole staff.  While holding down Cntl & Shift, push the Up arrow 5 times.  HTH
Since 1998

Re: Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2

Reply #4
Thank you so much for your suggestions and information. The are very helpful. One song I tried it on has 1/8 notes going up or down
with beams over them. The notes are at the same point in the song, and it shows the notes in the chord appropriatly,
but some of the beams are spaced so they look like beam over 1/16 showing two beams. Others are are crooked. Is there something
I missed, I need to do to get the beams straight?



Re: Question about how to put notes on one line instead of 2

Reply #5
G'day Dwight,
generally, when you're layering, you set all the stems up on one voice, and down on the other.  That way they don't interfere with each other...

The only problem that might arise is if the voices "cross".  In this case you can add "extra note spacing" on a per note basis.  Again, highlight the troublesome note, press <Alt-Enter> to get to its' properties and you'll see the option.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.