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Topic: Visibility (Read 3312 times) previous topic - next topic


I was composing a piece and using layering to put 2 voices on the same staff. Somehow, I was able to make my rests in the second staff "invisible". I can't seem to find the dialog box that allowed me to do that. Can anyone help?



Re: Visibility

Reply #1
Good Evening John;
   It is a part of the properties of the object. Highlight the object, or objects, you want to hide and hit cntl^e to open the properties dialog. Click the visibility tab and choose how you want it to display under show on printed page. The dropdown box has four (4) choices. Default, always, top staff only, and never.

Illigitimi Non Carborundum

Re: Visibility

Reply #2
G'day John,
any object can have its visibility managed:

  • Select the object - <Shift-Arrow>, "mouse drag"
  • Go to the objects properties dialogue - <Alt-Enter>, <Ctrl-E> or |Edit|Properties|
  • Select the "Visibility" tab
  • Select the "Show on printed page:" option you want.
  • Click OK
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Visibility

Reply #3
You can also put voices in the second staff by making chords out of notes with different values, for instance:
Code: [Select · Download]


Re: Visibility

Reply #4
Thanks for all your replies. As usual, I figured it out after I asked the question. I highlighted the object, right clicked and went to "Properties", etc.

Thanks again,
