Re: Audit Bar Lines and pickup bars
Reply #3 –
G'day David,
I think the behaviour we're seeing is correct... In all the multi-part music I've ever seen the pick-up bar length is always the same for all parts, some have rests, others have the notes, but the first full bar always starts at the same spot.
In the case of Josh's composition, I believe that the syncopation should have been achieved by moving the delay into the bars proper.
NWC would have done this automagically if the initial barline in both parts had been a double one, and had been positioned in the delayed part by placing it after the correct number of rests to have lined it up with the first barline of the other part. An audit barlines would have done the rest. Certainly this would have resulted in tied notes across barlines but I believe this would have been correct notation to achieve the desired result.
Interestingly, my friend Alfred has nothing to say about pickup bars other than to define the term "Anacrucis" as an "upbeat" or "pickup"...