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Topic: Noteworthlyfile into CD (Read 10084 times) previous topic - next topic

Noteworthlyfile into CD

I would like to know How I can transfer the Nothworthy music that I´ve created into a CD or CD.RW, please If any body can guide me I´ll apreciate

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #2
do you mean the nwc file or do you mean the music it's self?


Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #3
it's self?
it's self?
Do you mean itself?

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #4
Do you mean mean or mean.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #5
It has been said before... Please provide useful information. If you mean to put off those who speak English as a second language, you might be succeeding. C'est ce que tu veux? (no, I'm not French)

Do you intend low, stingy average? (do you mean mean mean mean?) I make one mean salad, because I'm a mean old lion!

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #6
Personally, I like "Mean Cusine"...

My apologies for an "off-topic" reply.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #7
It's a mean machine.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #8
The scary thing is, it's probably someone who speaks English as a first language.
Here's a protest sign I saw in the newspaper about a month ago:
[Local College]
makes it's messege clear -
Students not a priorety
It's just sad...

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #9
Mean Cuisine. No, I'm still not French.

I had hoped for a few laughs, after my mean mean mean mean. Was it too far fetched, or not funny?

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #10
I "mean" to say it WAS funny!!!  Uhhh, well, I "mean" even if you didn't "mean" for it to be.  Shucks, what I "mean" to ask is did you really "mean" to be humorous when you said it?  Or, perhaps, after all is said and done, you were just "mean-streeting" us all?

-- debo

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #11
I thought "mean mean mean mean" was very [abbr=...and I do mean clever...]clever[/abbr], but I didn't know you were going for a laugh.
Your initial tone seemed as if you were offended or something...

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #12
Hey, I was enjoying myself! Thanks for the compliment. One for you, too: how did you do the clever bit of hiding 'And I mean clever!' behind one word? I'm intrigued...

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #13
Well, since we're having fun:

In an effort to keep you abreast of the ever-changing world of musical terminology, here are some terms you might want to be familiar with (sent to me by a friend a year or so ago):

Bar Line: What musicians form after a concert

Tempo Tantrumo: When a young band refuses to keep time with the conductor.

Molto bolto: Head straight for the ending.

Gregorian Champ: Monk who can hold a note the longest.

Vesuvioso: A gradual buildup to a fiery conclusion.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #14
Rob, use this:

!acronym(clever=...and I do mean clever...)

Btw, you can always click the little notepad by the reply number to see how something was done.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #15
I feel rather sorry for Fransisco who asked a perfectly reasonable question, even though the subject has been raised many times before.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #16
The first reply is a reasonable answer to Fransisco's question. The rest of the stuff here can safely be ignored.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #17
Reply 2 was also on topic and appropriate.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #19
The tip given seems horribly complicated and seems full of ifs and buts and all kinds of what (to my non-techical mind) seem rather complex instructions. Is there no easier way?

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #20
Simple (perhaps not) - Try this.
The instructions are for Win98 - some things may be different under another OS.

Download the free version of Musicmatch Jukebox and Install.

Under Options > Recorder set the Input to System Mixer.
Set the Quality to the required format.
Wav for an Audio CD.
High Quality MP3 for an MP3 player Disc.

Now set up the System Mixer.
The System Mixer can be opened by right-clicking on the speaker icon at the bottom of your computer screen.
Under the Options - select Properties in the dialogue box and enable the Recording Radio Button then enable the MIDI, (or whatever your system uses as the MIDI output), check box. This will display the recording mixer.
Set the MIDI slider high.

Under View in the Musicmatch menu open the Recorder.
You are now ready to record.

Open your MIDI playback application (or NWC if you want to record direct without creating a MIDI file).

Press Record in Musicmatch then Play in your sequencer or NWC.

The resulting file can then be burned to disc.
wav to an Audio CD.
mp3 to a Data CD.

Original Musicmatch Tip from NWC User Steve Pearson several years ago.

If you have Nero v5 or later you can use the Nero Wave Editor to record your output as a wav file then Save As in your required format.
You will still have to setup the System Mixer in advance.

I get better results through Music Match - then use a wave editor like Cool Edit to trim/enhance the recorded wave file before converting if necessary.

Barry Graham
Top Brass Events Band
Melbourne, Australia

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #21
Barry, many thanks for that tip - it's invaluable, and so much simpler than the famous Tip #136 (which I'm sure is fine, but I don't need that much detail as it loses me). Your tip's far more succinct, so thank you again!

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #22
Barry: Do you have usertip posting access? If you do, why not add your advice to the bottom of my infamous 136. I certainly knew there were other ways to do it, but hadn't tried them, myself.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #23
It's Steve Pearson's Tip.
And he has already posted it as Tip #97.

Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #24
Ah! Well then, I added a pointer to 97 towards the top of my own 136.


Re: Noteworthlyfile into CD

Reply #25
To David Palmquist, and others:
if you are looking for musical definitions in hilarious terms, have a look at
A Musician's Dictionary

In the site it says: A Musical Dictionary. I need to correct that...

The book is available; enter 'Musical Dictionary David Barber' in Google. Instant success. Makes a perfect birthday gift.