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Topic: a few different questions.. (Read 3161 times) previous topic - next topic

a few different questions..

I need some help on a few things. I imported one of my midi files into NWC, and I wanted to edit it and make it into an orchestra piece (with violin I, II, viola, cello, and bass). I want to write it in a whole new file though because basically I want the brackets on the front. I can open a file that has them, like opening a quartet template, and it has the bracket, but I can't seem to get one with five staves. The most I can get is four. I tried just clicking ctrl A to add a staff, but it changes the bracket. I want it to look like how it would on a conductor's master copy of all the parts.

Also, I was wondering if there are any string instrument symbols to put on the piece, such as an up bow symbol, down bow, etc. I haven't been able to find them...are they even there?

One last thing. I have this program that turns .nsf files into midi files. NSF files are music files that contain the music code from Nintendo ROMs. Well, I am able to turn them into the midi files, and it sounds right, but then I try to import the newly made midis into NWC and it totally butchers the file! The notes are all wrong, it messes up the tempo, runs the notes together, etc. I realize there probably isn't anyone here that has this program, but if there is, I'd appreciate if you could give me any help. Even if you don't have the program, does anyone have any ideas why NWC won't import it right? I don't really know anything about midi files.

Re: a few different questions..

Reply #1
Simply flag the top and bottom staves as "Orchestral" and the whole system will be bracketed.  If you are going to print parts from this score, check out

You can find various fonts with the up-bow and down-bow symbols at  There are quite a few other things on that site which NoteWorthy users find useful.

Can't help you with the last part of your question.  Some information is lost in converting from a midi to NWC and vice versa.  When you convert from a midi file, you are at the beginning of a session using NWC, not near the end of it.
Since 1998


Re: a few different questions..

Reply #2
Thanks! That helped a lot!