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Topic: Creating a New Title Page (Read 16122 times) previous topic - next topic

Creating a New Title Page

Sometimes you may need to print your score without the title page info to get your music to print on one page, or one less page. You can then use a word processor (such as MS Word) to create a title page using the True Type font (and size) of your choice, setting the top margin to the minimum, using a footnote if desired for copyright info, and re-print the same page. I suggest printing first on a blank page and checking with the score to make sure the positioning is correct and that nothing overlaps. Sometimes I also add a color graphic in the same manner (such as a rose in the top left corner of the first page on The Rose).


Re: Creating a New Title Page

Reply #1
Editor's Note: Version 1.50 allows you to use a font you select for the title. However, you may still want to use the above tip if you need a graphic.