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Topic: I am willing to pay for version 2.x.... (Read 4937 times) previous topic - next topic

I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Dear Noteworthy,

For years I have used your product and believe me, it has given me so much enjoyment and fulfilment. Occasionally I have erred and been perhaps a little critical here on the discussion board. The service you provide is tops and your responsiveness to users' view is much apprecaited!

So propose you charge us for version 2.x! We have all already received so many free upgrades... I for one will feel much better for it!

Come on fellow users, respond in the affirmative!!!

Thank you, Happy New Year!

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #1
I agree. NWC V1.x has been the best software bargain ever. Like most of us, our family has to mind our pennies pretty closely, but fair is fair. V2.x -- bring it on. I'm on the list.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #2
Sounds good to me, too.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #3
We are paying almost once a year For Cakewalk.
Why not for NoteWorthy !

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #4
I guess we will have to pay to register v2 anyway since the registration only covers v1.x

Mind you if V1.8 has the features I've had on my wish list for so many years I'd be happy to re-register to get them.

But why should I complain - how many upgrades and added features have I got over the past 6 years for FREE - all for the amazingly low registration fee.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #5
NWC is very close now to covering all of the situations I need it for (and the workarounds shared amongst the users take care of most situations the software doesn't directly support). I would gladly pay another registration <or a smaller upgrade fee ;-) > to get the last few wish list items I'm looking for. Thanks to Noteworthy for this nice piece of software.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #6
Thanks for the responses! Come on everyone, lets keep it up and really let Noteworthy know how much they are appreciated!!!

Since I am here, I might give my wish-list a little plug again:

1) n-tuplets
2) hidden slurs and staccatos
3) staccatos that are printed but not played
4) ability to slur within slurs

Thanks Noteworthy, Happy New Year!

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #7
We have all used this forum to be critical of NWC at their own expense. Happy New Year to NWC and all you forum users that have made this a cool forum. Also, thanks to NWC for making my Senior Project a pleasant composing experience. I couldn't have done it without ya.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #8
Yes, I agree, its the best little music programme I use, and so easy. The printed scores are second to none. I'd pay for a new version if it gave even more.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #9
Agree!! Three cheers for Noteworthy!

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #10
I use so Noteworthy and I agree with you to re-registered.
French users write me Please. English is not easy for me and I want exchange with you.

Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #11
i love you


Re: I am willing to pay for version 2.x....

Reply #13
Add me to the list of happy people asking to pay again.
IMHO the current version, with its great new feature,
could have been labeled as version 2.0.

As it has been told, most of us are non-professional musicians, so we can not justify hundreds-dollars
investments, and I guess and hope that NoteWorthy Artware
will consider a good price for version 1.x owner.
But, please, let us pay, I really *want* you continue to
develop your (OUR!) program.