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Messages - steve03au

General Discussion / Re: MIDI Delay - Windows XP
I bet you have the Windows power save set on for your sound card/peripherals.

It hibernates while you are away - and wakes up when you resume (with delay).
General Discussion / Re: Is there an easy way to produce a piano vocal score with appended text??
Thanks, everyone.

I've always been an advocate of Noteworthy Composer. The software is really compact, well written, and is orders of magnitude faster than other music editors.

I don't want to digitize the score as an image if I can help it because when it passes to PDF if there is scaling there are sometimes aliasing issues - no good for pre-press quality.

Here's how I managed to kudge it...

I first print the score from Noteworthy using the Adobe PDF driver and saving as score.pdf as ISO B5 page size (from the print properties).

I next printed a blank page from Wordpad to the Adobe PDF driver specifying ISO B5 paper size in the print properties.

Then I concatenated the blank.pdf to the score.pdf and then used the Adobe typewriter tool in Acrobat to type in the text on the appended blank page.

I really appreciate everyone's tips - I'll experiment further. And it looks like I'm up for a copy of NWC 2.x ;-)
General Discussion / Re: Importing from midi files
I've examined midi files at hex level from many many packages.

Some midi files turn a note "off" by repeating the note "on" message at zero volume.

Some packages produce gaps (up to 20 percent of note duration) between notes on a staff.

I've had success moving noteworthy's midis into other packages by putting a slur over the WHOLE staff before exporting - thereby making the note values 100 percent of their intended duration.