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Messages - pbp908

General Discussion / Re: 1812 Overture
I'm absolutely amazed that nobody has posted the actual lyrics to this hymn, especially when they're listed on the back of so many recordings of the 1812 Overture.  (I actually ran across this thread trying to win a bet with my son that the lyrics could be found online.)  I don't have the lyrics in Russian, but these are the English lyrics commonly sung in modern presentations of the Overture.

God, Preserve Thy People
Mighty Lord, preserve us from jeopardy.
Take Thee now our faith and love, thine inheritance.
Grant vict'ry o'er our treacherous and cruel enemies,
And to our land bring peace.
O Mighty Lord, hear our lowly prayer,
And by Thy shining, holy light
Grant us, O Lord, peace again.
O Mighty Lord, hear our prayer and save our people.
Forever, forever.  Amen.

After three years, the original question posted on this topic has finally been answered, and the next time a music student starts looking for the lyrics - here they are.