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Messages - bladekiller

General Discussion / Re: problems with use from signs - need help
Hi Rick,

Yes, I can understand your approach. He works.
Unfortunately NoteWorthy Composer does not seem to be able to process the correct notation. And you mus go a detour.

But now I come to another problem:
By inserting the "special endings" he now brings the slurs confused.

Until now, I have no idea how to solve the problem.

I've attached a screenshot.
Above you see my first attempt fails, below you can see your solution incorporated.
General Discussion / Re: problems with use from signs - need help
Thanks, I initially had not understood how to deal with your lines. I assumed that it would be a user script. And yes, it works! Although I still do not understand why, but it works. I will concern myself with it this afternoon, so that I can hopefully I understand how it works. Maybe I’ll then ask a question or two, more. Until then, first thanks.
General Discussion / Re: problems with use from signs - need help
Thanks for your try, but that doesn't work.
Maybe my example wasn't clear enough. So here is a screenshot.
My Problem is: After NW plays 2nd time from segno it stopps the playing directly in front of the 1rst special ending. And I don't know why.
General Discussion / problems with use from signs - need help
Can somebody help to solve the following problem?

Written score-parts:
A B (repeat with 2 special endings) C D

sequences should be played this way:
A B (repeat with 2 special endings) C B (repeat with 2 special endings) D

Which signes have to be insert:
A „Segno“ B „?“ C „D. S. al Coda“ „Coda“ D

I’m sure, that somone has the answer. Thanks.
General Discussion / Re: Is it possible to change the instruments for some notes on a staff.

Super. I didn't know this. I tried it only with the characteristics of the notes. Thank you
For my purposes, this is perfect.

Quote from: "Rick G."
but only one patch can produce a 'note on' at any one instant

Sorry, I don't understand the second content.
Because I have firstly not really concerns me with Midi.
And I actually didn't really good english speaking.

So I use google translate and the translation is cruel.

General Discussion / Is it possible to change the instruments for some notes on a staff.

One possibility is to duplicate the staff.
Separating the notes of the various instruments on the two staves and adapted instruments of the two staves.
Last step is to be layered the staves.

but I would like to only change the instrument for a note without doubling of the whole staff. Is this possible.


General Discussion / Re: A Triple in a Triplet
Hello Richard hello Rick,

Thanks a lot, you saved my day.

My wife and me are singing in a choir and we often write off an copy into NCW to get an idee from the Harmony and the Rythem.

but sometimes I push my limits in using NWC like today.

Thank you for your suggestion, that was exactly what I needed

Bye Stefan