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Topic: A Triple in a Triplet (Read 3849 times) previous topic - next topic

A Triple in a Triplet


i have a short question, is it possible to make a Triplet in a Triplet like this example?

it is in a 4/4 measure

I think it is a special form of an sextuplet, but i am not sure, because i've never seen something like this before.

Thankx for your help

Stefan from Germany


Re: A Triple in a Triplet

Reply #1
Hello Stefan,

Nested triplets are not (yet) allowed but you can use layering to achieve the effect you want so that it looks correct when you print it and it sounds correct when you play it.

Here is the example - you need to layer the two staves.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
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<edit> Correction made </edit>

Re: A Triple in a Triplet

Reply #2
This is fairly close:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
|Lyrics|Align:Standard Rules
|Lyric1|Text:"la la la la la la\r\n"
|Text|Text:" s"|Font:StaffCueSymbols|Pos:6|Placement:AtNextNote
Registered user since 1996


Re: A Triple in a Triplet

Reply #3
Hello Richard hello Rick,

Thanks a lot, you saved my day.

My wife and me are singing in a choir and we often write off an copy into NCW to get an idee from the Harmony and the Rythem.

but sometimes I push my limits in using NWC like today.

Thank you for your suggestion, that was exactly what I needed

Bye Stefan

Re: A Triple in a Triplet

Reply #4
The image helped. A general solution for tuplets and bracketed groups is elusive. There are many workarounds, but which ones to apply is greatly eased by knowing the specific context.
Registered user since 1996