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Messages - lloyde

General Discussion / Re: Help with repeats
Many thanks. I'll give it a try. NWC is such a powerful program, and my file is so simple, I knew there was a simpler way to do this. I just couldn't find it or figure it out.
Much appreciated!
General Discussion / Help with repeats
I have entered my arrangement of "Country Roads." It has, in order,
1. A local repeat open
2. A first ending
3. A local repeat close (marked as the second one because I couldn't make it the first one)
4. Immediately following 3., a second ending

When I play it, it plays from the beginning to the end of the first repeat, then goes back to 1. repeats it twice through the first ending, then stops. I want it to go through the first ending, repeat once, then play the second ending.
This seems that it should be simple, but I've played with a lot of different arrangements of elements 1.-4. without success.
Can someone tell me how to make ti work?
Many thanks.
If needed, I can upload the file.
Lloyd Edwards
General Discussion / Re: Making a hymnal
If you go from Print Preview to Copy to Clipboard, you'll get a copy of (that page of) the hymn on the clipboard. Then you can go to, say, Microsoft Publisher, set up for a booklet, and import (Ctrl-V) the hymn into the page. Or you can use Microsoft Word, set for two columns, but Publisher does a better job printing booklets. If you don't have Microsoft Publisher, there are free replacaments for it such as Ragtime Solo.
Good luck.