Please can I flag up what appears to be a serious mixup in your music notation review?
Your review of NoteWorthy Composer (which I am familiar with) has so many factual errors and contradictions that I can only assume there must be some mixup with text from another review.
For example, notation entry via the computer keyboard is extremely straightforward (in fact that's why I started using NWC in the first place) and yet your side-by-side comparison table indicates that it is not even possible.
Similarly, the review states "For half the cost, you can purchase the Silver or Bronze award winning products". Yet these products are actually many times the price.
What's going on here? At least I know that I should ignore your reviews of any other products; I would not believe them.
Yes, WavePad is a great program, but the link you gave is for an old version. From the NCH web site you can get the latest with a number of additional features.