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Topic: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet (Read 6052 times) previous topic - next topic

Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

I am working on a worksheet for something.  Each staff has a few notes, not many, and the amount greatly differs per line, from 3 to 15.  When I go to Print Preview, however, regardless of how many notes there are, the ending bar lines are always aligned.  Is there a way to prevent this?

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #1
For a start I would turn off "Extend last system" in |Page Setup|Options (tab)| ...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #2
Based on the description of your worksheet, it sounds like you might be working on a printed sheet that stretches the intended function of NWC. As Lawrie points out, you can prevent the justification of your staves with the Page Setup Option. However, each staff will be graphically connected, and the notes within aligned, since your are basically working with a conductor's arrangement of staves.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #3
I don't mind staff-connection and note-alignment.  However, in Page Setup, Extend Last System is not set.

Forgive my crude drawing:
Code: [Select · Download]
|'||   |
| ""|| |

That's supposed to be a drawing of my page.  With extend last system, every staff is extended to the right margin of the page.  The alignment of them all cannot be stopped.

Note: It looks right in the editor.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #4
Kahman, can you post a copy of your file - might make things a little easier...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #5
This isn't the full file, but it's enough to get the point across:
Staff 1:
Code: [Select · Download]
Staff 2:
Code: [Select · Download]
Go to print preview, and see the ending bars.  They should not be aligned.

I guess if worse comes to worse, a few workarounds and some post-processing would probably do the trick too.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #6
Ahh, now I understand correctly - how about some "digital white-out"?

Like this:

Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:" gggg"|Font:User2|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote|Color:2

Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:" gg"|Font:User2|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote|Color:2

OK, a few requirements:
  • User2 font is set to "webdings"
  • User2 font is set larger than staff size
  • Highlight 2 needs to be, ultimately, white OR if you already have a white highlight change the text entry properties to match.
  • Each staff needs to have it's properties set to "Ending bar none (hidden)"
  • The page layout needs to have "Extend last system" Unchecked

I think that's all...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #7
When I start a new blank score and paste these two lines, I do not get any justification (it is off by default). As I said earlier, you are going to see note and bar alignment. This is unavoidable without creating separate files and constructing your worksheet in some other page layout tool.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #8
G'day Eric,
if you look at print preview, you'll see that the staves all line up with each other - the top staff, whose content is shorter, has empty staff lines extending the same distance as the lower staff which has more content.

Kahman wants the staves to be different lengths.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #9
Thanks, Lawrie. I think that I was editing my reply while you were creating yours.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #10
Well, these ideas do work, but they're quite awkward and could interfere with other files.  However, the "digital white-out idea" (Is that how you got the empty staff before the coda in your example file for ...Dings?) could damage other files.  I think that the best thing to do would be to do the digital white-out, except not do the white-out in NWC, and do some post-processing.

After all, I'll have to put some text on the side anyways.

Thank you.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #11
G'day Kahman,
umm, not quite sure what you mean by "damage other files"...?

As for text on the side - no probs.  Just add the text - the staff is processed lef to right so the white blocks are created, then any text that is after them goes over the top - quite visible:

'nother example:

Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:" gggg"|Font:User2|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote|Color:2
|Text|Text:"  This is some text to demonstrate how it overlay\'s the \"white out\" blocks"|Font:PageText|Pos:0

Same rules as before:
  • User2 font is set to "webdings"
  • User2 font is set larger than staff size
  • Highlight 2 needs to be, ultimately, white OR if you already have a white highlight change the text entry properties to match.
  • Each staff needs to have it's properties set to "Ending bar none (hidden)"
  • The page layout needs to have "Extend last system" Unchecked

And yes, this is how I did the blank staff befor the Coda in my *Dings examples.  Good catch :)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #12
What I meant was that it might affect other files with highlighting.  However, after spending the last few hours trying to post-process (and wasting half my page file usage in the process when M$ Paint refused to close), I think your suggestion would be easier.  So, thank you.

Update:  I finished changing everything on the worksheet, and it worked quite well.  (I had to do a bit of debugging with extending it, though.)  So, thank you very much.

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #13
Just to satisfy my curiousity, Kahman, would you mind posting a GIF attachment or BMP so we can see what you were trying to achieve?

Re: Non right-justification of all systems on a worksheet

Reply #14
What I meant was that it might affect other files with highlighting.  However, after spending the last few hours trying to post-process (and wasting half my page file usage in the process when M$ Paint refused to close), I think your suggestion would be easier.  So, thank you.

Ahh, my thought was that if you had any highlighted works I was sure you could have found a highlight number that wouldn't be a problem...

Update:  I finished changing everything on the worksheet, and it worked quite well.  (I had to do a bit of debugging with extending it, though.)  So, thank you very much.

You are most welcome - glad it was useful to you.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.